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Partner Profile

Horack Talley
Location Charlotte, NC
Organization Type Legal Services
Percentage Green Power 101%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Partner Profile
Horack Talley is a mid-sized law firm in the Charlotte, North Carolina region, comprising 43 attorneys and several practice groups. Horack Talley has several LEED® Accredited Professionals among attorneys and staff, and in March 2008 its whole commercial real estate practice "went Green." The firm helps commercial and residential real estate developers navigate the LEED certification process. Horack Talley helps developers realize tax and other incentives for green projects; its attorneys also design Green-aware contractual agreements, negotiate financing, guide lenders structuring green loans, and mitigate litigation risks. The firm introduces clients to Green vendors, cleantech products, and capital providers. In 2008 Horack Talley became the first law practice in the Carolinas to join the Green Power Partnership. To "walk its talk," Horack Talley is vigorously participating in the American Bar Association - EPA Law Firm Climate Challenge. While the Challenge requires participation in one challenge area, Horack Talley is active in all four: WasteWise, Best Paper Practices, Green Power Partnership, and EnergyStar. The driver behind the organization's commitment is the belief that Green is as good for business as it is for the planet. Horack Talley has a 75 year history of pro bono work and community involvement. To the firm, giving back to the community by definition means good planetary stewardship as well.

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