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Partner Profile

Fairmont Hotel / Washington, DC
Location Washington, DC
Organization Type Travel & Leisure
Percentage Green Power 10%
Organization-wide Purchase No
Partner Profile
The Fairmont Hotel / Washington, D.C., committed to purchase 10 percent of its annual electric load from wind-generated power. Waste management, energy conservation, water conservation, and environmentally preferred purchasing are other green practices the hotel is undertaking. Although the hotel is just getting started with many of its green practices, it has already achieved cost-savings in many areas. The Fairmont has found that the good will created with its hotel guests as it implements and promotes environmentally friendly practices goes a long way toward building customer loyalty. The Fairmont surveyed its staff and found the 97 percent believe that protecting the environment is important. Additionally, the survey found that staff wholeheartedly support the introduction of environmentally friendly practices in the workplace. Hotel employees from all levels are excited to participate in the hotel's Environmental Committee and share their ideas on how to protect our environment.

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