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Partner Profile

City of Corvallis, OR
Location Corvallis, OR
Organization Type Govt. (Local, Municipal)
Percentage Green Power 8%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
The City of Corvallis, a member of the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign, is committed to sustainable practices and greenhouse gas emission reduction through the purchase of renewable energy. The City purchases 1.4 million kWh of renewable energy annually, which accounts for approximately 11 percent of its electrical energy load. In addition, the City collects methane gas produced at its wastewater treatment facility to heat anaerobic digesters, replacing the natural gas used to heat its administrative building and producing surplus electricity with a Stirling engine. According to Steve Rogers, City of Corvallis Public Works Director, "Green power is an integral part of the City Council's desire to move towards sustainable practices. I believe that this desire is representative of the entire community. In the long term, the use of green power builds the capacity of the organization to withstand the impacts of price escalations and shortages of nonrenewable power. In the short term, the benefit of green power purchase is that it provides leadership in the community and encourages others to also make green power a priority."

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