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Partner Profile

BT Americas / HQ El Segundo
Location El Segundo, CA
Organization Type Telecommunications
Percentage Green Power 14%
Organization-wide Purchase No
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
BT is one of the world's leading providers of communications solutions and services operating in 170 countries, with more than 4,300 employees in North America. BT has reduced its carbon emissions in the UK by 60 percent since 1996 and has aggressive targets to reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent globally (relative to a 1996 baseline) by 2020 through a combination of energy reduction and renewable energy initiatives. To contribute towards this, BT has installed a 2,862-module, 601kW-DC solar photovoltaic (PV) system at its North American headquarters location in El Segundo, CA. The solar system was designed to maximize energy production, with the vast majority of the system's solar modules mounted on top of a state-of-the-art, elevated single-axis tracking system installed above the site's south facing parking lot. It is among the largest systems of its type in Southern California. The system, which was completed and became operational in December 2008, is expected to generate approximately one million kilowatt-hours (kWh) annually. "Our BT Americas headquarters site in California was an ideal location for a solar power system due to its large, unobstructed, south-facing areas," said Michael Boustridge, CEO, BT Americas & Asia/Pacific. "That, factored with BT's overall global climate change strategy and the pressing need for our industry to cut carbon emissions, helped us easily decide to pursue a solar plan for our energy requirements at the site."

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