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Partner Profile

Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.
Location Washington, DC
Organization Type Legal Services
Percentage Green Power 60%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. ("B&D") is a national law firm that specializes in all aspects of environmental law and litigation. The firm purchases Renewable Energy Certificates for over 60 percent of its electricity use and is a member of the Green Power Leadership Club. B&D attorneys were among the founders of the EPA-ABA Climate Challenge, and B&D became a Green Power Partner as part of its commitment to the Climate Challenge. Benjamin Wilson, B&D's Managing Principal, says, "B&D has been a leader in the field of environmental law since the firm was formed in 1974. Through the Green Power Partnership, we are demonstrating that in a concrete way and taking an important step toward helping our profession meet and exceed its sustainability goals."

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