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Partner Profile

Beaulieu Commercial
Location Adairsville, GA
Organization Type Clothing & Textile
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Partner Profile
Beaulieu Commercial is the commercial division of Beaulieu LLC, the largest privately owned carpet company in the United States. In addition to offering high quality commercial floor covering worldwide, Beaulieu Commercial strives to continually improve its environmental practices. After adding post-consumer recycled content to its products and reducing its water and energy consumption in 2007, the company decided to begin purchasing green power in 2008. As a member of the Green Power Leadership Club, Beaulieu Commercial purchases wind-generated renewable energy certificates equal to 100 percent of its annual electricity use for all facilities. Beaulieu Commercial is proud to invest in green energy, not only to reduce its emissions today, but also to encourage the development of clean energy in the future. Beaulieu Commercial finds that employee awareness has been the biggest benefit of its purchase. The company hopes that its commitment to green power will spread to its employees and encourage them to adopt responsible energy practices both at home and at work. "Our green energy initiative is consistent with doing the right thing and operating in a manner that is transparent," says Beaulieu Commercial President James Lesslie. "Our simple goal is to do what we think is the best thing for our company and the environment."

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