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Partner Profile

Location New York, NY
Organization Type Non-Profit (NGO)
Percentage Green Power 101%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
AIGA, the professional association for design, is an environmentally responsible non-profit organization whose core values reflect its care and concern for the environment. AIGA leads the profession in its own education and understanding of sustainability and constantly strives to improve its administrative practices to minimize adverse environmental impacts. To this end, AIGA has made a 10-year commitment to support a reforestation project in Nepal, calculated to yield 200,000 mature fruit and nut trees, indigenous to the region. This forest is estimated to offset 6.6 million pounds of carbon dioxide over their thirty-year life span — an amount equivalent to the carbon consequences associated with member and staff travel to AIGA's annual conferences and events. In addition to carbon offsetting, AIGA is investing in wind power to minimize its use of fossil fuels to power its headquarters. AIGA understands the value in buying from environmentally responsible power suppliers to promote green technologies, encourage investments in renewable power and reduce the environmental impact of its operations.

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