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Recent International Activities

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Staff Updates

Goodbye Brandi Meredith, Welcome Karen Stern!

April 22 was Brandi Meredith’s last day with the International Center.  Brandi, NCJRS contractor and International Liaison, has accepted a position with the Office of Personnel Management, Federal Investigative Services Division.  The staff of the International Center bids her a fond farewell and wishes her the best of luck.

Karen Stern joined the International Center staff as the Liaison to OST on March 24. Karen has been responsible for numerous projects related to mental health and juvenile justice, as well as serving on a wide variety of interagency task forces and steering committees.  She received her B.A. in Psychology from the University of Rochester and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Karen comes with a broad array of research experiences and interesting hobbies.  The International Center is very excited to have Karen on board!

Jennifer Hanley Leaves NIJ

November 7 was Jennifer Hanley's last day with the International Center. Jennifer, NIJ Social Science Analyst and Presidential Management Fellow, has accepted a position with the Department of State Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. The staff of the International Center bids her a fond farewell and wishes her the best of luck. We'll miss you Jennifer!


April 11-18—Austria. National Institute of Justice International Center Chief Cindy Smith and Senior Advisor to the Director Kris Rose gave presentations at the meeting of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna, Austria.

April 8—Turkey. International Center Chief Cindy Smith participated in the International Association of Chiefs of Police Regional Meeting in Istanbul. The meeting afforded NIJ the opportunity to make contacts that will result in a focus group of police chiefs to discuss the data and publications they have available that can be shared and housed at the National Criminal Justice Reference Service.

April 8—Brazil. On April 8, a Brazilian delegation of law enforcement and criminal justice practitioners visited NIJ to learn about research in corrections technology and alternatives-to-prison programs.  Meeting participants included: Major Francisco Mota Bernardes of the Para State Military Police; Berenice Maria Gianella, President of the Casa Foundation; Sao Paulo State Prosecutor Flavio Hernandez Jose;  Sao Paulo State Judge Luis Geraldo Sant Ana Lanfredi; Jose Reinaldo Da Silva, Security Administrator of the State of Sao Paulo Correctional System Administration; Humberto Vianna, Pernambuco State Executive Secretary for Resocialization; NIJ Senior Program Analyst Marlene Beckman; NIJ Social Science Analyst Marilyn Moses; NIJ  Physical Scientist Jack Harne; BJS Statistician Tracy Snell; Deputy Chief of the Information and Sensor Technologies Division Joe Heaps; Marc Caplan, Chief of the NIJ Operational Technologies Division; William Ford, Acting Chief of the Information and Sensor Technology Division; NIJ International Liaison Brandi Meredith and NIJ Graduate Research Assistant George Fachner.

March 20—Chile. Mayor Gustavo Hasbun, from the Municipality of Estacion Central in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, met with Winifred Reed, Chief, NIJ Crime Control and Prevention Research Division and Phelan Wyrick, Senior Social Science Analyst, NIJ Crime Control and Prevention Research Division to learn about NIJ research on prisons and crime control and prevention.

January 8—Latvia.  Valdis Voins, Deputy Chief of Police, Riga, Latvia is in the United States on a State Department program to examine law enforcement in the US. While  in Washington he met with several DOJ offices to discuss programs and guidelines set up for law enforcement officers. At NIJ, Mr. Voins met with Winnie Reed, Chief of the Crime Control Prevention and Research Division, Brett Chapman, Social Science Analyst in the Crime Control Prevention  and Research Division, Cindy Smith, Chief of the International Center and Brandi Meredith, International Liaison, to discuss local, state, and federal law enforcement in the United States.  This meeting was organized in conjunction with the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT).

December 04—Human Trafficking Meeting.  International Liaison Brandi R. Meredith attended a roundtable discussion on the August 2007 Journal of the American Medical Association study: "HIV Prevalence and Predictors of Infection in Sex-Trafficked Nepalese Girls and Women".  Keynote speaker was Dr. Jay G. Silverman, Associate Professor of Society, Human Development, and Health at Harvard School of Public Health and Lead author of the study.  This meeting was hosted by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, U.S. Department of State.

November 30-December 02—ISPAC Meeting, Courmayeur, Italy.  International Center Chief Cindy Smith attended the 12th Plenary Session of the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme.  This year's theme:  The Evolving Challenge of Identity-Related Crime: Addressing Fraud and the Criminal Misuse and Falsification of Identity.  This event was sponsored by the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council ( ISPAC) and is another example of International Center UN activities .

November 27—International Center Seminar.   In November, the International Center sponsored an in-house seminar on the recent trip to Jerusalem, Israel of NIJ Acting Deputy Director David Hagy, Deputy Director of Research and Evaluation Thom Feucht, Deputy Director of Science and Technology John Morgan, and Senior Social Science Analyst Lois Mock.  The seminar served as an opportunity for discussion and information sharing on the bi-national symposium To Protect and To Serve:   Policing in the Time of Terrorism and Beyond.  

November 13—Atlanta.  TheAmerican Society of Criminology (ASC) held its annual conference in Atlanta, GA. Most of the International Center staff was in attendance. Chief Cindy Smith, who is also the Chair of ASC’s Division of International Criminology , was a panelist and moderator for several sessions, including sessions on international research methods and internationalizing NIJ.  International  Liaison Brandi R. Meredith exhibited at the Office of Justice Program's vendor booth and assisted with the International Networking Event.

November 08—Romania.   Codrut Olaru, Prosecutor General, Romanian Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism, met with Chief Cindy Smith and International Liaison Brandi R. Meredith to learn about NIJ research and statistics on organized crime in the United Statesand abroad.

October 23-24—Israel.  NIJ Acting Principal Deputy Director David Hagy, Deputy Director for Research and Evaluation Thom Feucht, Deputy Director for  Science and Technology John Morgan, and Senior Social Science Analyst Lois Mock traveled to Israel to participate in a bi-national symposium entitled To Protect and To Serve:   Policing in the Time of Terrorism and Beyond. The symposium was conducted jointly by the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Public Security. NIJ has had a partnership with the Bureau of the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Public Security since 1999. Under a Memorandum of Understanding, the two agencies have agreed to cooperate with each other and share public research information on issues of mutual concern, including policing issues and terrorism.


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Date Entered: January 2, 2008