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Cindy Smith, director of NIJ's International Center, interviews Turkish Judge Altuntas about human trafficking.
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International Discussions on Human Trafficking

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Since 1998, the National Institute of Justice has been funding and participating in a range of human trafficking research projects and initiatives. These include intergovernmental focus groups, workshops, and Web events.

Expert Focus Group on Trafficking in Persons.
NIJ's International Center convened an intergovernmental focus group to ascertain how various agencies are dealing with the problem, policy needs, and the types and availability of existing data (on arrests, prosecutions, deportations, etc). Representatives from the Departments of Labor, State, and Justice (Criminal Division, Child Exploitation and Obscenity, INS, INTERPOL, Civil Rights, and FBI) attended the meeting (Washington D.C., April 2001).

United Nations Workshop on Trafficking in Human Beings, Especially Women and Children.
NIJ participated in a workshop for the United Nations Crime Commission meeting in Vienna in May 2003. The workshop focused on the global state of knowledge of human trafficking and interventions to raise awareness of delegates of represented countries. The website contains papers presented at the workshop, which include regional overviews of the situation and relevant attempts at intervention (2003).

International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC) and Centro Nazionale di Prevenzione e Difesa Sociale (CNPDS), in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
NIJ participated in the international conference Measuring Human Trafficking: Complexities and Pitfalls . The meeting featured presentations from multiple countries (and from NIJ) on ways to address this problem. (Courmayeur, Italy. December 2005). Presentations from this meeting will be published in late 2006.

Webcast with Harvard University on Human Trafficking
In an effort to broaden dissemination efforts, the International Center at NIJ worked with the Communications division to develop a web cast in conjunction with Harvard University, featuring several experts on the subject. (June, 2006).