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All Health A-Z Results: 1-4 of 4 Web Pages

Exercise and Physical Activity: Getting Fit For Life   External Link

This article provides information for older adults on exercise and physical activity, including ways to be active, who should exercise, and safety tips.... Details >

National Institute on Aging Information Center

Exercise for Older Adults

Learn about the benefits of exercise for older adults. This document offers safe exercises to try, video clips, and instructions on how to chart your progress. ... Details >

National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

This guide contains valuable information about how exercise and proper nutrition are crucial for staying healthy as we age and provides useful tips on establishing and maintaining a regular exercise p... Details >

National Institute on Aging Information Center

Tips for Exercise Success  External Link

Lack of physical activity is a risk factor for heart disease. This online document advises the consumer about safety steps to take towards a successful and injury-free exercise program.... Details >

American Heart Association  External Link

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