Project Description

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Spaceward Bound
[Educators Grades 5-8 & Students Higher Education]
[Available: Nationally]

Spaceward Bound was established in 2006. It offers two projects. One project involves classroom teachers in authentic fieldwork, side-by-side with NASA scientists. Teachers can bring that experience back to their classrooms and assist in the development of curriculum related to human exploration of remote and extreme environments. Past and future trips are listed below:

--June 2006 -- Atacama Desert.   →

--March 2007 -- Mojave Desert.   →

--April 2008 -- Mojave Desert.

--July 2008 -- Arctic.

--March 2009 -- Mojave Desert.

--July 2009 -- Australian Desert.

The second project enables students at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels (including teachers) to participate as crew members in two-week, immersive, full-scale simulations of living and working on the moon and Mars at the Mars Desert Research Station. The Mars Society established and operates the research station. Students involved in other Mars Simulation facilities operated by The Mars Society are also eligible for Spaceward Bound support. The Spaceward Bound crew rotations at MDRS take place from October to March each year and are currently planned through 2010.

Who to Contact at NASA:
Liza Coe
Deputy Chief
Education Division
Ames Research Center
Phone: (650) 640-0896

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