Project Description

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Great Moonbuggy Race
[Students Grades 9-Higher Education]
[Available: Nationally]

The Great Moonbuggy Race, held annually in April, gives undergraduate and high school students from around the world an opportunity to apply engineering skills and develop team spirit in an activity that will enhance awareness about human exploration and development of space. Moonbuggies are built from the students' own design, recreating the lunar experience of the Apollo astronauts and looking ahead to further human exploration of the solar system. Two-person crews, one male and one female, assemble their collapsible vehicles, receive a safety inspection and power their vehicles along a simulated lunar terrain obstacle course. Prizes are awarded for originality of design and quickest traversal of the lunar course.

Who to Contact at NASA
Durlean Bradford/WILL Technology
NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
Academic Affairs Office
Mail Code HS30
Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812
Phone: (256) 961-1335
Fax: (256) 961-1521

Great Moonbuggy Race
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