Project Description

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Graduate Student Researchers Project
[Students Higher Education]
[Available: Nationally]

The NASA Graduate Student Researchers Project awards fellowships for graduate study leading to master's or doctoral degrees, related to NASA research and development, in the fields of science, mathematics and engineering. This 12-month award includes a required internship at the NASA center affiliated with the NASA-sponsored research. The award may be renewed annually, for a maximum of three years.

The goal of NASA's GSRP is to cultivate research ties to the academic community, to increase the number of highly trained scientists and engineers in aeronautics and space-related disciplines, and to broaden the base of students pursuing advanced degrees in science, mathematics and engineering.

Research opportunities are located at each of the nine NASA centers and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA updates research topics annually to complement its mission requirements. Research areas are in disciplines that lead to aeronautics and space careers.

The GSRP is competitive and supports graduate students who are U.S. citizens attending U.S. universities. NASA's scientists and engineers evaluate applications based upon academic transcripts, research proposals, the faculty research adviser's recommendation, and the proposed use of NASA center facilities. Mentoring and internships at NASA centers are important aspects of the GSRP Fellowship. Usually the centers host students during the summer months to fulfill this purpose; however, the schedule may vary, depending on each center's capacity. Recipients of the GSRP Training Grant must coordinate the schedule for the internship with the appropriate center's technical adviser and the center's GSRP project manager.

Who to Contact at NASA
Dr. William M. Whitney
Manager of Higher Education
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone: (818) 354-4410

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