Project Description

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Engineering Design Challenges
[Educators & Students Grades 5-12]
[Available: Nationally]

The Engineering Design Challenges project connects students in their classrooms with the challenges faced by NASA engineers as they design the next generation of space vehicles, habitats and technology. Middle and high school students work on design challenges with their teachers. These challenges help students achieve national goals in science, mathematics and thinking skills.

Working under the supervision of their teachers, students design, build, test, redesign and rebuild models that meet specified design criteria. Students employ the same analytical skills as engineers do when they improve their designs. The design challenge culminates in the classroom with each student team preparing a poster that describes the process and results of the team's work.

All the design challenges have been field tested to insure that they are educationally appropriate and valuable.

Who to Contact at NASA
Julie Clift/WILL Technology
NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
Academic Affairs Office
Mail Code HS30
Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812
Phone: (256) 961-1334
Fax: (256) 961-1521

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