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Hurricane Ike Disaster Aid Deadline Extended
Posted by: Mollie Schall (10-20-2008, 05:27 PM)

Workers in all 34 counties affected by Hurricane Ike must apply no later than November 12

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USPS advisory for those affected by Hurricane Ike
Posted by: Kristin Hendee (10-16-2008, 10:56 AM)

In the wake of Hurricane Ike, many Houston Post Offices are holding mail for thousands of postal customers who have not yet picked up their mail or made alternative arrangements. The USPS is advising customers affected by Hurricane Ike to file “Change of Address” or “Hold Mail” orders before October 20th, when unclaimed mail will be returned to sender.

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NASA Challenges Students To Design Tools For Moon Rovers
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (09-30-2008, 01:44 PM)

A new NASA contest challenges college-level students to design tools or instrument packages that could be used on the next generation of human-driven moon rovers. Student will have the opportunity to engage in NASA's return to the moon by designing equipment that will help astronauts accomplish tasks on the lunar surface.

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Victory for Americans
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (09-30-2008, 11:17 AM)

In August, while Democrats were on vacation, Republicans took to the dark House floor to protest Speaker Pelosi’s inaction on energy legislation. The Republican message centered primarily on domestic energy production. The Republicans’ protests – which reflected the views of the American public – were successful in keeping the Congressional moratorium on oil and gas exploration from being extended.

Posted in Energy | 3 Comments | View Full Posting

Iraq Passes Groundbreaking Election Law
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (09-26-2008, 04:43 PM)

On September 25, 2008, the Iraqi Parliament approved legislation allowing provincial and local elections to take place in the country early next year. Gridlocked for months by partisan differences, the election law sets the stage for further political reconciliation in Iraq. The groundbreaking election will allow Iraqis, for the first time ever, to vote for individuals nominated by political parties. Once again, women and minorities will have equal rights in casting their ballots. A fair election will ensure that sectarian violence, reduced because of the success of the surge, will continue to give way to peaceful democratic progress. This milestone was only achieved because of the hard work of our brave men and women in uniform.

Posted in Foreign Affairs | 4 Comments | View Full Posting

Rushing – It’s Not Just a Football Term
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (09-24-2008, 09:48 AM)

In a rush to pass a bill before the Congressional moratorium on oil exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) expires on October 1, Democrats once again brought up meaningless energy legislation last week. Their latest bill – introduced late on Monday, Sept. 15, and brought to the floor for a vote in mere hours – will not help lower energy costs for Americans.

Posted in Energy | 2 Comments | View Full Posting

Hurricane Ike in Numbers
Posted by: Alicia Lee (09-23-2008, 04:44 PM)

The following statistics were collected by the Joint Information Center in regards to Hurricane Ike operations:
As of 9/21, 2400 special needs residents were moved by Metro to HUBS.
As of 9/21, 44 POD sites were opened and operated by Harris County and its volunteers over 8 days.
As of 9/22, 1,125,750 gallons of water were distributed at the PODs.
As of 9/22, 10,490,000 pounds of ice were distributed at the PODs.
As of 9/22, 2,810,412 MREs were distributed at the PODs.
As of 9/21, hundreds of CERT Team members helepd their neighbors with debris removal and recovery operations. CERT Teams involved included: Tomball, Denver Harbor, Spring Creek Forest, Houston, Jersey Village, Cy Fair, Ponderosa/
As of 9/21, 220 rescues were made by the Coast Guard. Pre-storm: 103 Humans; 6 Dogs. Post-Storm: 107 Humans; 4 Dogs.
As of 9/21, over 12 agencies were represented in the JIC.
As of 9/21, 6,195 Meals on Wheels clients were served by Harris County Citizen Corps volunteers.
5800 calls came into the phone bank from 9/8/08 to 9/21/08.
As of 9/23 at 5:00 AM, power was restored to 1.53 million CenterPoint customers.

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Calling All Artists, Grades 2-4
Posted by: Mollie Schall (09-09-2008, 02:56 PM)

The Instiute for Global Environmental Strategies is hosting its 13th Annual Art Contest for Children in Grades 2-4.

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FDA Commissioner Tours Rice
Posted by: Mollie Schall (09-05-2008, 07:04 PM)

Congresman John Culberson and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach checked out bioengineering and nanotechnology laboratories at Rice Wednesday as part of their visit to the Texas Medical Center. The two federal visitors met with senior officials from Rice and the medical center and later held a public town hall meeting. For more information provided by Rice University, click here.

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Funding for the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition
Posted by: Mollie Schall (08-26-2008, 11:00 AM)

On Monday, at the request of Congressman Culberson, the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition received over $4.7 million from the Edward Byrne Memorial Discretionary Grants Program, administered by the Department of Justice.

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No New Direction for America
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (08-20-2008, 10:57 AM)

At the start of this Congress, Nancy Pelosi published a document entitled "A New Direction for America." House Republicans, and the folks they are speaking to in the Capitol this August, believe that she is leading this House in the wrong direction.

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New Report Says Iraq Oil Money Flowing In
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (08-13-2008, 01:50 PM)

Iraq possesses the third-largest oil reserves in the world, and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report stating that Iraq is increasingly in a better position to finance its own security and economic needs. The GAO said Iraq this year will likely earn between $67 billion and $79 billion in oil sales – at least twice the average annual amount Iraq generated from 2005 through 2007. In comments included with the report, U.S. Treasury said that Iraq is moving toward a stronger position to “ultimately shoulder the full burden of its development, reconstruction, and security programs,” while cautioning that the country still needs to improve its budgeting and accountability for funds.

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Education and Labor Committee Releases Energy Impact Survey
Posted by: Mollie Schall (07-30-2008, 11:02 AM)

American families and small businesses aren’t alone in struggling with soaring energy costs. As back-to-school season approaches, high energy costs also are putting the squeeze on schools all across the country. From elementary and secondary schools to community colleges and universities, schools at every level are grappling with the high price at the pump.

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First USGS Assessment of Arctic Circle Released
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (07-29-2008, 06:39 PM)

For the first time, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has publicly released a petroleum resource estimate for the area in Alaska north of the Arctic Circle.

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Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (07-24-2008, 06:45 PM)

When many Arab nations embargoed oil exports to the United States in late 1973, it shook America’s economic foundations. The Arab oil embargo solidified the need for the U.S. to maintain an emergency oil supply should foreign sources again be cut off. Our country’s response was to create the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The SPR was not created to help adjust the price of gasoline, it was created to defend against a similar supply disruption in the future. It has been opened as a result of supply disruption only twice since its creation, during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Posted in Energy | 5 Comments | View Full Posting

Stay Informed on Tropical Storm Dolly
Posted by: Mollie Schall (07-22-2008, 07:06 PM)

The following link provides updates on Tropical Storm Dolly, courtesy of NOAA's National Weather Service. For the latest information on Dolly, including advisories, tracking maps, and satellite and radar images, go to:

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Michael DeBakey to be Buried at Arlington Cemetery
Posted by: Mollie Schall (07-16-2008, 01:59 PM)

Yesterday, the Secretary of the Army granted a waiver to allow Dr. Michael DeBakey to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. One of the greatest surgeons of our times, he died last week of natural causes.

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Cost of Government Day
Posted by: Alicia Lee (07-16-2008, 11:23 AM)

Today, July 16, marks the 2008 Cost of Government Day, the date of the calendar year on which the average American worker has earned enough gross income to pay off his or her share of spending and regulatory burdens imposed by government on the federal, state and local levels. For the past seven years, Americans for Tax Reform has been sounding the alarm about the increased burden on taxpayers by calculating the Cost of Government Day. This year, hard working Americans must labor on average 197 days just to meet all costs imposed by government, meaning the cost of government consumes 53.9 percent of national income.

Posted in Taxes | 2 Comments | View Full Posting

Live Town Hall Meeting Tonight
Posted by: Alicia Lee (07-15-2008, 11:27 AM)

Congressman Culberson will be hosting a live town hall meeting tonight at 7 p.m. CDT. He is quickly becoming a "real time representative" by using new media sites such as and to communicate directly with his constituents. To watch his last live town hall meeting, where he simultaneously held a telephone conference, an online chat session on, and took questions from, please click here. To join his town hall meeting tonight, visit his website at, where you can watch and communicate directly with the Congressman.

Posted in Technology | 1 Comments | View Full Posting

President Bush Lifts Executive Ban on Drilling
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (07-15-2008, 10:51 AM)

President Bush announced yesterday that he is lifting an executive ban on offshore drilling that has been in place since 1990. Lifting the executive ban, however, does not guarantee access to our abundant domestic resources - such as those located in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). In addition to the President’s action, Congress must also act to reverse the federal prohibition on offshore drilling. The Democrat controlled Congress is now all that stands between hard working Americans and abundant, affordable energy.

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Houston Metro Area Ranks 2nd Among the Nation’s Export Markets
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (07-14-2008, 05:31 PM)

Today the U.S. Commerce Department announced new data in a series that precisely measures merchandise export values for metropolitan areas. Through the first half of 2007, the Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown metropolitan area was the second largest export market in the United States, with sales in the global marketplace totaling $29.9 billion. Twenty-four percent of Houston’s merchandise exports go to NAFTA countries, plainly illustrating the economic value of open markets.

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Medical Center Hospitals Earn High Ratings
Posted by: Mollie Schall (07-11-2008, 06:16 PM)

The Houston Business Journal reported that several Texas Medical Center facilities are touting high ratings in the latest U.S. News & World Report survey of America's best hospitals.

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Port of Houston Recieves Presidential Recognition
Posted by: Alicia Lee (07-10-2008, 07:16 PM)

The Port of Houston Authority recently received the 2007 President’s “E Star” Award for export service, in recognition of its continuing support of export growth in the U.S. business community for at least five years. PHA was among only four U.S. organizations to receive the prestigious award this year.

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BLM to Continue Accepting Solar Energy Applications
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (07-10-2008, 06:58 PM)

In response to public interest in solar energy development, the Bureau of Land Management announced that it plans to continue accepting applications for future potential solar development on the public lands. The BLM will process these applications, while continuing to identify issues during public scoping currently underway for the programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS).

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Honoring NASA's 50th Anniversary
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (07-10-2008, 06:39 PM)

On Wednesday, Congress passed a resolution honoring NASA’s 50th Anniversary. Over the last five decades, Americans have experienced shared moments of wonderful triumph, such as the first successful manned space launch in June 1961 and Neil Armstrong’s first walk on the moon in July 1969 as well as putting a rover on Mars and deploying the Hubble Space Telescope, which has captured breathtaking photos of deep space.

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FISA Update
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (07-10-2008, 04:53 PM)

Earlier today President Bush signed the FISA Amendments Act into law. Congressman Culberson is a strong supporter of this legislation because it provides the necessary tools to our intelligence community to track and target international terrorists.

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Texas is America’s Top State for Business
Posted by: Kristin Hendee (07-10-2008, 02:25 PM)

This week CNBC ranked Texas as the number 1 business climate in the Nation. The CNBC study used 40 different measures of competitiveness, and Texas excelled in the categories of economy, technology & innovation, transportation, and cost of living. These rankings confirm that economic freedom, scientific research, and mobility are key to Texas’ success. You can find the CNBC ranking here.

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Democrats Seek to Quell Free Speech
Posted by: Alicia Lee (07-08-2008, 12:57 PM)

Today House Republican Leader John Boehner issued a statement indicating that Democrats are seeking to quash the right of Members of Congress to have free speech. According to the statement, the Democrats are looking at restricting Member content on websites outside the domain. Congressman Culberson is quickly becoming a "real time representative" by posting on, where he sends regular updates from the House floor and the halls of Congress, and on, where he films and posts video updates on the Internet. This new technology allows him to bypass the mainstream media and shine sunlight into the darkest corners of Congress. If the Democrats strong-arm this rule, he would no longer be able to use these websites and our fundamental right to free speech will be taken away.

Posted in Technology | 1 Comments | View Full Posting

Students Dedicate Summer to Research at NASA
Posted by: Mollie Schall (07-01-2008, 07:18 PM)

This summer, fifteen college and graduate students are participating in NASA’s National Space Biomedical Research Institute’s Summer Internship Program at Johnson Space Center. For 10-15 weeks, college and graduate students will be working with space life scientists and space medicine researchers.

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Culberson Strongly Supports Physician Pay Increases
Posted by: Alicia Lee (06-30-2008, 12:30 PM)

Congressman Culberson strongly supports physician pay increases under Medicare and believes the entire formula determining physician reimbursement should be revised. Unfortunately, the Democrats continue to insist on bringing up a bill that would gut Medicare Advantage, denying coverage to over 1,200 seniors in District 7. Medicare Advantage's private-fee-for service plans gives seniors the opportunity to see any doctor they choose rather than Medicare’s limited provider network.

Posted in Health Care | 1 Comments | View Full Posting

"Use It Or Lose It" Slogan Misleading
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (06-26-2008, 04:48 PM)

Democrats have adopted the misleading mantra, “Use it or lose it,” with regard to oil and gas producers operating on federal lands. Once again, instead of addressing real reforms to lower energy prices for hard-working Americans, Democrats choose to deliberately mislead Americans into believing American oil companies are to blame for high energy prices.

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Reps. Green, Poe, Culberson, Paul secure funds to replace dangerous Galveston Causeway Bridge
Posted by: Mollie Schall (06-25-2008, 07:32 PM)

Washington, D.C. – The dangerously narrow Galveston Causeway Railroad Bridge that was declared a hazard to navigation by the Coast Guard in 2001 is another step closer to replacement today after several members of Congress announced additional federal funding.

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NASA Coin Act Passes Senate
Posted by: Mollie Schall (06-25-2008, 07:25 PM)

The Senate passed the NASA 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act by unanimous consent last week. The coin set, featuring tributes to astronauts, missions to outer space, and the solar system itself, is set to be issued into currency until December of 2009. NASA has captured the imagination of the American public since its inception in 1958 and significantly contributes to our national identity and culture. A Gallup poll conducted earlier this month reported that 68f Americans believe the benefits of manned spaceflight outweigh the risks; and 69gree that the space program '”inspires young people to consider an education in science, technology, math or engineering fields.”  Congressman Culberson is a proud author of this legislation and looks forward to getting it to the President’s desk.

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Nanotechnology Students Earn Travel Grants
Posted by: Mollie Schall (06-25-2008, 07:10 PM)

The CONTACT Program is proud to award student travel grants to Hao Lu, Yang Lu, and Yogeeswaran Ganesan from Rice University. These three outstanding graduate students will have the opportunity to apply their award money to use world-class equipment at centers including the CONTACT nanotechnology centers located in Dallas, Arlington, Houston, and Austin.

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Do Not Call List to Remain Permanent
Posted by: Mollie Schall (06-23-2008, 11:44 AM)

"Good news for those who have been besieged by telemarketing calls," PC Magazine reports. "Numbers entered into the government's do-not-call registry will remain there indefinitely rather than expire after five years, according to the Federal Communications Commission.

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Culberson signs American Energy Pledge
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (06-23-2008, 10:14 AM)

Congressman Culberson joined with a number of his Congressional colleagues by signing an American Energy Pledge to increase American oil production. The Pledge outlines three American solutions for lowering gas prices: Bring onshore oil online Bring deepwater oil online Bring new refineries online

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Harris County and 287(g)
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (06-18-2008, 05:28 PM)

Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act allows state and local law enforcement officers to enter into agreements with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to receive training to enforce U.S. immigration laws. This program is a tool to leverage state and local police to increase immigration enforcement manpower around the country.

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Culberson Hosts Web-based Town Hall Meeting
Posted by: Alicia Lee (06-10-2008, 01:53 PM)

Congressman Culberson held his first live web-based town hall meeting today on his website, where he took questions from constituents about the work he's doing in Washington. If you missed it, you can check out the video here.  The Congressman hopes to hold weekly web-based town hall meetings. Please check back on his website for more information on dates and times of his next live town hall.

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Health Insurance for Small Businesses
Posted by: Alicia Lee (06-10-2008, 01:35 PM)

Small businesses in Galveston County now have access to an innovative health benefit program being run by the University of Texas Medical Branch. Under the 3-Share plan, employers, employees, and UTMB each pay one-third of the monthly health insurance cost. The 3-Share is the first of its kind in Texas, and allows qualified small business owners in Galveston County to provide health benefits to their employees. UTMB received a grant from the Houston Endowment, allowing them the opportunity to pilot a two-year program and provide health insurance to the working uninsured. Several cities in Texas, including Houston, are looking at Galveston County's 3-Share model to provide more Texans with access to health insurance.

Posted in Health Care | 1 Comments | View Full Posting

Rep. Culberson Honors 147th Fighter Wing at Ellington Field
Posted by: Brittany Hooten (06-06-2008, 10:25 AM)

The Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Wing based at Ellington Field in Houston will take its last flight this Saturday, when their F-16’s are retired.

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Energy Fact of the Day
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (06-05-2008, 10:46 AM)


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Pelosi Premium Update
Posted by: Ellie Essalih (06-04-2008, 03:48 PM)

Average retail gas prices continue to hold steady at a record high of $3.98 a gallon for regular unleaded, according to AAA. Average prices have gone up $1.65 since the beginning of the 110th Congress – this represents a nearly 71 percent increase during Nancy Pelosi’s speakership.

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Tax Cuts Set to Expire
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (06-03-2008, 06:13 PM)

President Bush yesterday renewed his call to make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, a call which is falling upon mostly deaf ears.

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Tax and Spend Watch
Posted by: Alicia Lee (05-23-2008, 09:52 AM)

During the 110th Congress, Congressman Culberson has voted against $293 billion in new spending, and rejected $206 million in new earmarks. Under the Democrats' major tax and spend proposal, the average District Seven resident would see a $3300 tax increase. Furthermore, unless Congress votes to stop them, the following tax increases will occur.

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Pelosi's Record
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (05-21-2008, 07:40 PM)

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is on the record for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens and enacting the largest tax increase in American history. Here is the direction she would take the country.

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Gay Marriage and Activist Judges
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (05-16-2008, 03:12 PM)

Yesterday, the California Supreme Court overturned a voter approved ban on gay marriage. In this decision, four activist judges in California decided to overturn a statewide ballot initiative supported by a majority of Californians. Congressman Culberson believes that voters and their representatives should make decisions regarding gay marriage, not activist judges.

Posted in Judiciary | 8 Comments | View Full Posting

National Women's Health Week
Posted by: Alicia Lee (05-12-2008, 03:42 PM)

Congressman Culberson joins with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in encouraging women to make their health a top priority and taking simple steps for a longer, healthier and happier life.

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Spiking Energy Prices
Posted by: Alicia Lee (05-09-2008, 03:59 PM)

According to AAA, since the Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007, gas prices have climbed from a $2.33 per gallon average to a record high of $3.67 per gallon today. Congressman Culberson has cosponsored H.R. 3089, the No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007, which encourages new refinery construction, lifts the moratoria on drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf, and opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to responsible drilling. The only way for the U.S. to become energy independent is to increase domestic energy production by allowing access to these oil and gas rich areas.

Posted in Energy | 10 Comments | View Full Posting

Club for Growth's Annual Congressional Ratings
Posted by: Alicia Lee (05-08-2008, 05:51 PM)

Today Congressman Culberson received a 92% rating from the Club for Growth, an organization committed to public policies that promote economic growth. Club for Growth President Pat Toomey said, "[These] votes are critical to lowering taxes, cutting wasteful spending, and promoting economic growth for all Americans." Congressman Culberson is working to keep the federal government out of your pocketbook, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned paycheck.

Posted in Economy | 2 Comments | View Full Posting

Voter I.D.
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (05-02-2008, 11:42 AM)

This week the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to uphold Indiana’s voter ID law that requires voters to present a valid form of identification when casting a ballot. State lawmakers in Texas are working to enact similar legislation to protect the integrity and reliability of the electoral process and prevent voter fraud. Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst said that he plans to pass a state voter ID law in Texas during the state legislative session next spring. In response to the Supreme Court ruling, Dewhurst said: "With this legal challenge now behind us, I look forward to passing a fair voter ID law in Texas next year that fully protects the voting rights of all U.S. citizens registered to vote in Texas." Last Congress, Culberson supported the Federal Election Integrity Act that would require all voters to present a valid ID when they vote in national elections. This legislation passed the House, but was not voted on in the Senate and Democrat Leadership has not brought this bill to the House floor this Congress.

Posted in Judiciary | 6 Comments | View Full Posting

Need-Based Student Financial Aid
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (05-01-2008, 11:06 AM)

Today, Congressman Culberson helped pass an important student financial aid bill, H.R. 1777, the Need-Based Educational Act of 2007.  Beginning in the mid-1950’s, Congress passed legislation to exempt colleges and universities who award students financial aid funds on an ‘as needed’ basis from certain anti-trust laws.  Congressman Culberson was pleased the new version of the bill that the House voted on today ensures the exemption is permanent, and higher education institutions can continue providing need-based financial aid to students.  This important legislation provides the opportunity of a college education for students with the greatest financial need, who would not otherwise be able to afford that opportunity.

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National Day of Prayer
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (04-30-2008, 02:39 PM)

Tomorrow, May 1, marks the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer. Created in 1952 by a congressional resolution, the National Day of Prayer invites people of all faiths to pray for our nation.

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Border Fence Update
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (04-29-2008, 03:38 PM)

In 2006, Congressman Culberson helped pass the Secure Fence Act that authorized the construction of over 700 miles of physical fencing along the border. The barrier consists of pedestrian fences and vehicle barriers, and by the end of this year 670 miles of physical fencing will be completed. The legislation also authorized a virtual fence that integrates unmanned aerial vehicles, sensors, radar, and cameras to aid the Border Patrol in detecting human and drug smugglers illegally entering the United States.

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America's Energy Policy Has Been on an Ethanol Binge, and Now the Hangover has Begun
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (04-29-2008, 02:58 PM)

While food and gas prices continue climbing to record highs, American taxpayers are subsidizing the ethanol industry to the tune of $13.5 billion a year with the 51 cents-per-gallon tax credit for ethanol producers.  Last December, driven by concerns over rising oil prices and climate change, this Democratic Congress shortsightedly committed America to producing 9 billion gallons of renewable fuels in 2008 and 36 billion by 2022.  The production mandates combined with the market-distorting effects of the ethanol subsidy have led to 30% of America’s corn crop being used for fuel instead of food. 

Posted in Agriculture | 3 Comments | View Full Posting

Congress Honors Houston's Michael DeBakey
Posted by: Mollie Schall (04-24-2008, 11:58 AM)

Members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate joined together on Wednesday for the second time this legislative session to award the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor to Houston’s Michael Ellis DeBakey.

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Congressman Culberson's Weekly Schedule
Posted by: Jamie Gahun (04-21-2008, 03:52 PM)

Here are a few things the Congressman will be doing this week:

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San Jacinto Day
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (04-21-2008, 11:02 AM)

On this day in 1836, the final battle of the Texas Revolution was fought at San Jacinto. The odds were stacked against General Sam Houston, as his outnumbered troops of 910 planned an attack on General Santa Anna's professional soldiers. With a determined spirit, Houston and his men defeated the Mexican army in 18 minutes under the rallying cries of "Remember Goliad!" and "Remember the Alamo!"

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Pope Benedict XVI Visits Washington D.C.
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (04-15-2008, 05:16 PM)

Tomorrow, House and Senate leaders will join President Bush to greet Pope Benedict XVI at the White House when he makes the first papal visit to Washington, D.C. in 29 years.  President Bush and the Holy Father will continue discussions on their common commitment to the advancement of peace in the Middle East and other troubled regions as well as the promotion of inter-faith understanding around the world.  In addition to the White House reception, the Pope will preside over a mass at Nationals Park and he will speak at both Catholic University and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  On Friday the Pope will leave for New York City, where he is planning to visit Ground Zero and the United Nations.

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Uncle Sam's Payday
Posted by: Mollie Schall (04-15-2008, 12:36 PM)

Uncle Sam is collecting his paycheck today, and this year he is seeking a sizeable raise. The House Democratic majority has proposed a fiscal year (FY) 2009 federal budget that seeks to increase our taxes by nearly $4 trillion dollars in the next ten years. If they get their way, the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 will expire, along with other tax credits. To name a few changes, we can expect to see the return of the Marriage Penalty, a slash in the Child Tax Credit, exposure of the Alternative Minimum Tax to 20 million additional people, and the reappearance of the estate tax. Allowing the existing tax cuts to expire will increase the income tax burden to its highest point relative to GDP in history.

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Congressman Culberson's Weekly Schedule
Posted by: Alicia Lee (04-14-2008, 04:43 PM)

Here are a few things the Congressman will be doing this week:

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Spring 2008 White House Garden Tours
Posted by: Lindsay E. Smith (04-08-2008, 04:19 PM)

Since 1972, when Pat Nixon first opened the White House gardens to the public, White House Garden tours have become an annual tradition!  This year the tours will be held on Saturday, April 12th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, April 13th from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.  Visitors can enjoy the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, the Rose Garden and the South Lawn of the White House, where military bands will be performing.  This event is open to the public but tickets are required.  Please visit the National Park Service kiosk at the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion located at 15th and E Streets, in order to pick up a ticket.  Tickets are free, but they are handed out on a first-come, first-serve basis beginning at 8 a.m. both days.  This event is fun for folks of all ages and one that should not be missed!

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Culberson on Lou Dobbs Tonight
Posted by: Mollie Schall (04-08-2008, 03:10 PM)

As a guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight last night, Congressman Culberson discussed his concerns for law enforcement on the US/Mexico border in Arizona. In his effort to expand the success of Operation Streamline and zero tolerance policy underway in Texas, the Congressman personally visited Tucson and met with border patrol agents, sheriffs, and Department of Justice officials.

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Celebrating Continental's Trans-Atlantic Flight to Heathrow
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (04-08-2008, 02:49 PM)

On March 29, Congressman Culberson attended a ceremony to launch Continental Airlines' twice daily nonstop flights from Houston’s Bush Intercontinental airport to London’s Heathrow Airport. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, the Congressman urged the Administration to negotiate a broad open skies agreement with Europe that would allow for greater access by U.S. commercial air carriers to Heathrow airport. Additionally, this broad agreement will increase the number of Trans-Atlantic flights and provide travelers with more travel options and lower fares. The Congressman is extremely proud to represent the employees of Continental Airlines and he was pleased to be a part of this important event.

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Congressman Culberson's Weekly Schedule
Posted by: Alicia Lee (04-07-2008, 03:32 PM)

Here are a few things the Congressman will be doing this week:

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Congressman Culberson's Weekly Schedule
Posted by: Alicia Lee (03-31-2008, 10:34 AM)

In an effort to keep you better informed of Congressman Culberson's weekly schedule, here are a few things the Congressman will be doing this week:

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New Protocol for Cattle Trading in North America
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (03-28-2008, 02:21 PM)

Today, Canada, Mexico and the United States held the first meeting since full implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to announce new protocols for the export of U.S. and Canadian cattle to Mexico.

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Donate Your Old Computer to Reconnect
Posted by: Alicia Lee (03-27-2008, 08:44 AM)

Have you ever wondered what to do with your old computer? Goodwill Industries and Dell have partnered together and created RECONNECT, a free program for you to responsibly recycle your unwanted electronics, including computers, monitors, software, and toner. Items can be dropped off at the Computer Works store at 12230 Westheimer or at any of the participating Goodwill locations throughout the city. There is no charge to drop off a used computer. Proceeds from the refurbished computers will support Goodwill Industries in their mission of creating job opportunities for individuals with barriers to employment in the Houston area.

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Justice Approves XM-Sirius Merger
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (03-26-2008, 03:05 PM)

This week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) approved the long awaited XM-Sirius satellite radio merger, the deal that the nation’s only two satellite radio providers announced more than a year ago.  However, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) must also sign off on the merger, and FCC Chairman Kevin Martin could attempt to attach conditions or disapprove the deal altogether.  Since XM and Sirius are the only two satellite radio providers, the major concern is that a merger would create a monopoly that would be harmful to consumers.  The DOJ ruled that allowing the two satellite radio companies to merge “is not likely to harm consumers” and that the impact the merger would have on the marketplace would be relatively small.  Of course, it’s not quite all over yet, the FCC’s approval is yet to come.  

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Come Home: "The Home Buying Process"
Posted by: Alicia Lee (03-25-2008, 01:39 PM)

On Saturday, March 29, 2008, at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Hall B3 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the City of Houston along with the Greater Houston Builders Association will host Come Home: "The Home Buying Process." Potential homebuyers will be able to meet homebuilders, lenders, and service providers and learn about the products and services that are available. There will also be an educational seminar on the home buying process. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, please visit the Houston HOPE Homes Initiative.

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Congressman Culberson's Weekly Schedule
Posted by: Alicia Lee (03-24-2008, 12:35 PM)

Here are a few things Congressman Culberson will be doing this week in Houston:

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Cherry Blossom Season in Washington, D.C.
Posted by: Lindsay E. Smith (03-20-2008, 09:02 AM)

The National Cherry Blossom Festival is just around the corner!  This year the festival will take place from Saturday, March 29 to Sunday, April 13, 2008, and the annual parade, which is open to the general public, will begin at 10 a.m. on April 12th, on Constitution Avenue, between 7th and 17th Streets, NW.  Be sure to arrive early for a good spot to watch the parade!  The Cherry Blossom Trees were a gift from Japan in 1912 and have become a symbol of the coming of spring in the District of Columbia.  Every year, this two week festival offers classes about cherry blossoms, arts and crafts and a bike tour of the Tidal Basin, along with stages filled with traditional Japanese music and dances as well as martial arts exhibitions.  There’s something for everyone at this D,C, tradition!

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The White House Easter Egg Roll
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (03-18-2008, 02:40 PM)

The White House Easter Egg Roll is an annual celebration for families and takes place on the White House lawn, where children of all ages can hunt eggs, play games, and visit with the Easter Bunny.  This year, Mrs. Bush will host the 2008 White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday, March 24, 2008, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the South Lawn of the White House.

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The Second Amendment Comes Before the Supreme Court
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (03-18-2008, 11:06 AM)

Today, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in District of Columbia v. Heller, to rule on the meaning of the Second Amendment – the part of the Constitution that guarantees the “right to keep and bear arms.”  The Supreme Court has only decided on one significant case, nearly 70 years ago, involving the scope of the Second Amendment.  The Court will rule on the ultimate question: does the Second Amendment protect the individual right to keep operable firearms for self defense, or does it only protect the collective right to have guns in an organized military?

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2008 Archer Intern Program
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (03-18-2008, 10:41 AM)

“In 1971, when so many young people were disillusioned with their government at the height of the Vietnam War, Congressman Bill Archer started a program to select one deserving junior from each high school in District Seven and send them on an all expenses paid guided trip to Washington, D.C.  This program was the first of its kind in the nation, and it allows these future leaders to see for themselves how our government works and that it is led by honorable people sincerely devoted to their States and our Nation,” Congressman Culberson said.  “When I was elected to succeed Chairman Archer, I pledged to continue this worthwhile program, and I have renamed it the Bill Archer Student Intern Program in his honor.  With the help of an all volunteer staff, we raise the money for this non-profit, tax-deductable program.”

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Democrat's Budget Will Increase Your Taxes
Posted by: Mollie Schall (03-12-2008, 04:09 PM)

The Democrat’s budget proposal for fiscal year ’09 is the largest tax increase in the history of our country. Congressman Culberson will not support a plan that takes the money out of your wallet and puts it in the hands of big government in these proportions. The budget, which roughly increases taxes by $683 billion over five years, can only be seen as an attack on the middle class to finance the Majority’s new spending plans.

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Democrat Trial Lawyer Allies Stopping FISA Reauthorization
Posted by: Michael Green (03-11-2008, 04:20 PM)

The Arizona Republic newspaper wrote an insightful editorial this morning about the ongoing FISA debate and Speaker Pelosi’s opposition to providing legal-liability immunity to telecommunications companies. According to them, “Pelosi’s opposition – erected on behalf of the trial lawyers and political activists who are pressing almost 40 lawsuits against the telecoms on this issue right now – exasperates even the Democrats in the Senate, where a solidly bipartisan FISA modernization bill passed three weeks ago, 68-29.” The editorial goes on to say that Pelosi and her trial lawyer allies are shamelessly exploiting Americans’ opposition to intrusive government, without explaining why telecom companies would even engage in such a conspiracy.

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Terrorist Wiretapping Bill Desperately Needs Reauthorization
Posted by: Michael Green (03-07-2008, 10:02 AM)

Congressman Culberson sent an email update this morning explaining the importance of quickly passing a permanent fix to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The San Antonio Express-News similarly wrote an editorial today saying, “The sticking point between the House and Senate concerns the treatment of telecommunications companies that complied with White House requests to cooperate with the intelligence community following the 9-11 attacks. The Senate measure wisely grants these companies immunity from multibillion-dollar civil liberties lawsuits, acknowledging that they acted in good faith to help protect the nation from terrorist attack…The sooner the rest of the House leadership comes to its senses on this issue, the better.” If you would like to sign up for Congressman Culberson’s email updates, click here.

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Remember the Alamo
Posted by: Alicia Lee (03-06-2008, 01:55 PM)

On this day in 1836, 189 brave defenders, including heroes James Bowie, William Barret Travis and former Congressman Davy Crockett, fought to defend Texas freedom at the Alamo. They were surrounded by a force of 6,000 professional Mexican soldiers that overwhelmed the tiny force in about an hour, killing every survivor. Attached you will find Lt. Colonel Travis' letter asking all Texans to come to their aid.

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National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Posted by: Alicia Lee (02-29-2008, 11:32 AM)

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. As part of the ongoing effort to educate the public about screening and prevention of colon cancer, the Prevent Cancer Foundation in partnership with Hope Through Grace is displaying the Super Colon, a giant, replica walk through colon, at the Galleria today and Saturday. For more information about cancer prevention, please visit the Foundation's website.

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Katy Freeway Highlighted on the History Channel
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (02-28-2008, 10:47 AM)

This evening, the History Channel will feature the Katy Freeway expansion project on Modern Marvels: Superhighways. This episode will highlight the work being done to widen the existing freeway. The Congressman’s highest local priority has been to accelerate the reconstruction and expansion of the Katy Freeway. In March 2002, the Federal Highway Administration approved a plan by the Harris County Toll Road Authority and the Texas Department of Transportation for a value pricing pilot program along the Katy Freeway that would reduce highway congestion and improve mobility using toll lanes. The toll lanes will generate up to $500 million in revenue towards the reconstruction project and complete funding for the project and cut construction time in half. The Katy Freeway expansion project will be completed in October and additional information about the project can be found here. Modern Marvels: Superhighways will air on the History Channel tonight at 7 P.M. CST.

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Foreign Terror Wiretapping Bill Irresponsibly Expires
Posted by: Michael Green (02-19-2008, 04:36 PM)

The Washington Examiner published an editorial this morning saying, “In an act of immense irresponsibility, House Democrats purposely left town last week without voting on the Senate version of the Protect America Act.” This bill would have passed a long-term extension of the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act, a law that allows U.S. intelligence agencies to monitor phone calls and e-mails of suspected terrorists abroad. Disappointingly, House leadership did not allow a vote on this bipartisan bill, which meant FISA expired on February 16. Congressman Culberson issued a statement last week saying, “The expiration of FISA dangerously undermines our national security and puts our country at risk. We have got to be able to listen to the terrorists.” When the House returns from recess next week, passing the Protect America Act must absolutely be the first priority.

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Iraqi Parliament Adopts Key Pieces of Legislation
Posted by: Michael Green (02-15-2008, 03:01 PM)

The Iraqi parliament on Wednesday passed three key pieces of legislation that continue the process of reconciliation. The bills included a $48 billion national budget that evenly distributes spending among different ethnic groups, an amnesty bill for political prisoners, and an agreement to hold parliamentary elections by October 1. President Bush and American commanders in Iraq supported these provisions as a way to help bring peace to the region. More importantly, their passage proves that Iraqi politicians can compromise and work together to rebuild their country. It’s all just another sign that the breathing room created by American military forces under the command of General Petraeus is helping to bring stability to Iraq.

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Tax Preparation Assistance
Posted by: Alicia Lee (02-13-2008, 03:29 PM)

In partnership with the City of Houston, the Houston Asset Building Coalition (HABC) is offering free tax preparation for families who earned less than $40,000 in 2007. HABC can help families file a basic tax return, claim earned income tax credit and child tax credit if eligible and assist taxpayers with e-file at any of their free income tax preparation sites. Taxpayers can find a listing of the 26 locations by calling 2-1-1 or 713-957-4357 or visiting

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Culberson Cosponsors Bill to Cut Funding to Berkeley
Posted by: Michael Green (02-11-2008, 04:57 PM)

As you may have heard, last week the city council in Berkeley, California passed a resolution effectively telling the Marine Corps to get out of town. While the people of Berkeley certainly have a First Amendment right to express their opinion on the war, it does not mean the federal government should subsidize this behavior with your tax dollars. Let’s face it, if not for our men and women in uniform defending the United States, the people of Berkeley wouldn’t have any freedoms. As Senator Cornyn said last week, “If the U.S. Marines are not good enough for Berkeley, neither are their tax dollars.” In response, Congressman John Culberson just signed on to H.Res. 958, a bill that would cut federal dollars for Berkeley if they continue trying to kick out the Marines.

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Support the National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (02-11-2008, 04:04 PM)

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to say thank you to America’s veterans. Since this week is The National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans, consider sending a Valentine's Day card or visit hospitalized veterans in your area to show your appreciation. Check the local phone directory or visit for the location of your nearest VA hospital. VA hospitals respectfully request that you call their Voluntary Services staff before you go and they will be happy to arrange your visit.

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Rebate Checks Coming - Illegal Immigrants Not Eligible
Posted by: Michael Green (02-08-2008, 01:25 PM)

Last night Congressman Culberson helped pass the compromise version of H.R. 5140, the economic stimulus bill that will provide tax rebate checks to hard working American families. The President is expected to sign this bill into law, meaning you could be eligible to start receiving checks in May. Congressman Culberson was proud to announce that the new version of the bill included increased protections to ensure that illegal aliens will not be eligible for benefits. While it is important to jumpstart the economy by giving Americans back their hard earned dollars, Congressman Culberson is adamantly opposed to rewarding illegal immigrants with rebate checks for coming to the United States.

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DOD Helping Service Members Vote Overseas
Posted by: Michael Green (02-01-2008, 01:51 PM)

The Department of Defense is stepping up efforts to help U.S. soldiers stationed around the world vote this year. By training individuals to assist military personnel, while also working with the U.S. Postal Service and the Military Postal Service Agency to expedite the delivery of ballots, the DOD is encouraging more soldiers to participate in the voting process. If you or someone you know is stationed overseas and would like to learn more, please visit the website of the Federal Voting Assistance Program.

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New Change in Land and Sea Travel Procedures
Posted by: Emily Klein (01-30-2008, 03:06 PM)

Beginning January 31st, 2008, United States and Canadian citizens over the age of 19 will no longer be able to provide an oral declaration of citizenship when crossing into the U.S. by land or sea. For a list of acceptable documents please visit the United States Customs and Border Protection. Travelers who are unable to provide one of the following documents can expect delays at the border while their citizenship is verified by Customs and Border Protection.

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Culberson Responds to State of the Union
Posted by: Michael Green (01-29-2008, 11:36 AM)

During last night's State of the Union address, the President asked Congress to stimulate the economy for the good of the nation. This morning on KTRH radio, Congressman Culberson agreed by saying, "I strongly support tax cuts because they are essential to helping the economy." The Congressman also spoke about the need to secure our borders by expanding a zero tolerance program that has dramatically reduced illegal crossings and crime near Del Rio and Laredo. He said, "The local community strongly supports zero tolerance because it is focused on law enforcement. Our first step is securing the border. Once that is done, we can work on improving the existing visa system."

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How to Really Stimulate the Economy
Posted by: Alicia Lee (01-28-2008, 04:24 PM)

With all the talk of an impending economic slump, the Republican Study Committee introduced, and Congressman Culberson has cosponsored, H.R. 5109, the Economic Growth Act of 2008, to provide some much-needed, incentive-based relief to job creators. The last time our country faced a recession, rebates were helpful to consumers but did little to turn the economy around. History teaches that the best way to preserve jobs and spur economic growth is to ensure that job creators face a lower tax and regulatory burden. Economic stimulus legislation should actually include economic stimulus. H.R. 5109 is designed to provide broad, growth-oriented, permanent incentives for economic activity across all sectors and industries, with immediate and sustained, long-term implications. For more detailed information, click here.

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Request Coupons for DTV Converter Box
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (01-28-2008, 10:51 AM)

On February 17, 2009, television stations across the country are required by law to stop transmitting analog television broadcast signals and to broadcast solely in digital. To ensure that no one loses their favorite television programs after February 17, 2009, the government is helping consumers purchase digital-to-analog converter boxes. These boxes will allow your current TV to operate as it always has after the digital transition. Below is a checklist to determine if you need a DTV converter box and should request a coupon.

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Ramos and Compean Have Been in Prison for One Year
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (01-18-2008, 12:14 PM)

Today marks the one year anniversary of the imprisonment of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Congressman Culberson continues to work aggressively on behalf of the agents by cosponsoring legislation, signing letters, and speaking out during Congressional hearings. In December, Congressman Culberson stated that “the prosecution of Ramos and Compean is an insult to every American that cares about securing our border and enforcing our immigration laws. These agents should be released from prison immediately for the sake of justice and to restore faith in our government.”

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United Nations Reports Progress in Iraq
Posted by: Michael Green (01-16-2008, 05:25 PM)

According to a Reuters news article today, the United Nations envoy to Baghdad said “he would present a positive picture of progress in Iraq in a report to the Security Council despite earlier having serious misgivings about reconciliation efforts.” This encouraging admission from the UN (an organization that has long criticized U.S. rebuilding efforts in Iraq), further demonstrates that General David Petraeus is helping to bring peace and hope to the Iraqi people. Since 30,000 extra troops were deployed in June, attacks have plummeted 60 percent. This stability has allowed critical political reforms to move forward in the country, which will continue the process of creating a modern and democratic Iraqi state.

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Katy Freeway Construction to Possibly Finish in October
Posted by: Michael Green (01-14-2008, 04:45 PM)

This morning, the Houston Chronicle reported that the Katy Freeway expansion may be finished as early as this October. This is fantastic news considering that when construction began in 2003, it was expected to take at least ten years. One of the main reasons this project is so far ahead of schedule is that Congressman Culberson persuaded TxDOT to place toll lanes in the middle of the highway. This allowed the Houston Toll Road authority to invest $500 million into construction. According to project spokeswoman Raquelle Lewis, “Without the toll dollars, TxDOT would have had to delay other projects or spread the freeway work over a longer time.”

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The 6th Anniversay of No Child Left Behind
Posted by: Alicia Lee (01-08-2008, 03:25 PM)

Today is the 6th Anniversary of the No Child Left Behind Act, the federal law governing primary and secondary education. Since its enactment, the Congressman has met with teachers, administrators, and parents to discuss the challenges they face as a result of NCLB. To help free states from federal mandates, Congressman Culberson introduced H.R. 1857, the Local Control of Education Act. This bill gives state legislatures the opportunity to accept the policies in NCLB or let the federal mandates disappear, allowing each state to tailor its own education policy, accepting some programs and rejecting others.

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45 Days Later: Zero Tolerance a Success
Posted by: Michael Green (12-21-2007, 12:00 PM)

The Laredo Border Patrol sent us an update today on their zero tolerance policy that Congressman Culberson helped implement. After 45 days (October 31 – December 15) of arresting, prosecuting, and jailing anyone caught illegally crossing the border, they are starting to see some significant results. According to the Border Patrol, compared to last year, illegal crossings have dropped 33 percent and crime has dropped 36 percent. This is great news and proves that we can secure the border if we fully enforce our immigration laws.

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Culberson Sends $80 Million to Help Secure the Border
Posted by: Michael Green (12-20-2007, 04:13 PM)

In this year’s appropriations bill that passed the House yesterday, Congressman Culberson was able to personally get $80 million to secure the border. Much of this will go to local sheriff and police departments, but some of it will also help implement a zero tolerance program that Congressman Culberson is credited with expanding to the Laredo Border Patrol Sector. Donald Reay, Executive Director of the Texas Border Sheriffs Coalition had this to say about the Congressman, “The Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition is honored to recognize the bipartisan efforts of Congressman John Culberson and Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, who have lead the Congressional battle to support local law enforcement in their quest for a safe border environment. The Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition is proud to partner with these great leaders for the security of our nation.” To learn more about what Congressman Culberson has done to secure the border, click here.

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Is this the Delta House Congress?
Posted by: Michael Green (12-18-2007, 05:34 PM)

If you have not already read it, the Wall Street Journal published a story last week called, “The Delta House Congress.” This is an informative article that compares the Democrat majority with the Delta fraternity in the movie “Animal House.” This is the best explanation yet for the way Congress has operated this year – it also suggests that when the “situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture,” they are the ones to do it.

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Pentagton Forced to Furlough Employees
Posted by: Michael Green (12-14-2007, 02:02 PM)

Even though the year is almost over, Congress has still not passed the funding bill to pay for our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a result of this delay, the Pentagon will be forced to furlough 100,000 civilian military employees next week to “free up money for combat troops.” No matter one’s partisan views, we should all agree that our soldiers and military personnel deserve better than this. Next week is the last chance to pass a troop funding bill until mid-January because Congress is about to go out of session. Let’s hope this is their number one priority.

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They Need to be Freed Immediately
Posted by: Michael Green (12-12-2007, 04:33 PM)

Last night Congressman Culberson was a guest on the Glenn Beck Show on CNN’s Headline News channel. While on, he discussed a new resolution asking the President to commute the sentences of unjustly imprisoned Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Congressman Culberson said, “The appeals judges recognized that the government overreached and in fact there are interviews with three of the jurors in this case who said if they had known that this drug dealer was running loads into the country while under federal immunity, they would have found Ramos and Compean not guilty. They need to be freed immediately, whether by the President or the Court of Appeals.”

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Tax Refunds Expected to be Delayed
Posted by: Michael Green (12-06-2007, 11:20 AM)

Are you hoping to get a tax refund next year? If so, there is a good chance it is going to be delayed. The reason – the new majority has taken too long to pass this year’s AMT patch. Over the last few years, Congress has passed a temporary AMT fix to ensure that millions of Americans do not pay dramatically higher taxes because of the AMT (the AMT was a tax created in the 1960s for the wealthy, but since it was never indexed for inflation, it is now targeting middle class families). While Congress may complete this legislation before the year ends, it takes the IRS seven weeks to reprogram their systems. This means the IRS will not even begin looking at tax returns until at least seven weeks later than scheduled.

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New Majority Bad for Business
Posted by: Michael Green (12-05-2007, 11:56 AM)

Since the new majority took office almost a year ago, hardly a week has gone by without the House passing a new bill that adds taxes, costs, or burdensome regulations on businesses. These bad for business bills have limited consumer choice, restricted commerce, raised the minimum wage, increased taxes on growth, allowed the government to set prices, and expanded the authority of unions. By constantly targeting our country’s businesses, the majority is undermining job growth and the financial future of American families. If you would like to see more examples of these bills, you can find a list of them here.

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$9 Trillion Federal Debt is Unacceptable
Posted by: Michael Green (11-20-2007, 11:38 AM)

If you think a $9 trillion federal debt is outrageous, check out “The Little Book of Big Government.” This publication sets out to prove that wasteful spending is out of control and that everything you feared about our government just might be true. This information is especially relevant because Congressional Democrats are trying to increase spending by $22 billion more than the President requested. To put that in perspective, $22 billion is more than the annual budget of 37 states or the equivalent to over $70 for every man, woman, and child in America – nearly $300 for a family of four.

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Culberson Successfully Pushing Border Security
Posted by: Michael Green (11-19-2007, 10:50 AM)

Over the weekend, the Houston Chronicle reported that Congressmen John Culberson has “been at the forefront of the push for border security and a crackdown on illegal immigration for years.” The article lists many of Congressman Culberson’s accomplishments on this issue including the expansion of zero tolerance to the Laredo Sector, $8.6 million in funding for the Texas Border Sheriffs, $3 billion to build a border fence and to hire more Border Patrol officers, and a provision that would prohibit a Social Security totalization agreement with Mexico. According to Congressman Culberson, “The nation is way beyond the tipping point of being fed up with people whose first act is to break our law and then demand that they be given government benefits or welfare or be legalized.”

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It's About Time They Arrested the Drug Dealer
Posted by: Michael Green (11-16-2007, 04:41 PM)

Lou Dobbs will interview Congressman Culberson tonight to discuss a new development in the Ramos and Compean case. As you may remember, these Border Patrol Agents were unjustly imprisoned after firing at a drug smuggler along the Mexican border. During the agents’ trial, the federal prosecutor positively portrayed the drug smuggler and granted him immunity to testify against the agents. Why the prosecutor decided to use the word of a known drug smuggler over two decorated Border Patrol Agents may never be known, but it turns out, the smuggler kept hauling loads into the United States. Yesterday, he was finally arrested and indicted. Congressman Culberson responded by saying, "It's about time they arrested the drug dealer. It's long past time for them to release Agents Ramos and Compean."

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Border Officers 'Outmanned and Outgunned'
Posted by: Michael Green (11-16-2007, 03:39 PM)

Congressman Culberson has long urged his colleagues to send more resources to local law enforcement personnel along the border because the situation is dangerous and out of control. Yesterday, the Washington Times published a story saying, “Alien and drug smugglers along the U.S.-Mexico border have spawned a rise in violence against federal, state, and local law-enforcement authorities, who say they are outmanned and outgunned.”

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Open Enrollment for Medicare Prescription Drug Plans Begins Today
Posted by: Alicia Lee (11-16-2007, 10:39 AM)

The open enrollment period for the 2008 Medicare Prescription Drug Plan begins today and runs through December 31, 2007. Medicare beneficiaries are encouraged to review their prescriptions and other health needs when picking their plans in the "Medicare & You" handbook, which can be viewed at On the website, you can also view an enhanced plan finder, allowing you to compare options in your area and learn more information on available drug plans, including out-of-pocket costs and pharmacy networks. If you need additional information or help in choosing a plan, contact a representative at 1-800-MEDICARE.

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No Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
Posted by: Michael Green (11-14-2007, 10:11 AM)

According to a news report this morning, New York Governor Elliot Spitzer “will withdraw a controversial plan that would have allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses." This is a great victory for everyone who believes in secure borders and the rule of law. Though the Governor’s plan drew support from individuals such as Senator Hillary Clinton, it was widely criticized by law enforcement personnel and the New York State Sheriffs’ Association. Last week, the Washington Times released a national poll stating that 77 percent of surveyed adults were opposed to making driver’s licenses available to illegal immigrants.

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Veterans Day This Sunday
Posted by: Lindsay Smith (11-09-2007, 04:49 PM)

This Sunday, November 11, our nation will celebrate Veterans Day and remember the extraordinary Americans who have served our nation in years past, and honor those who protect it today. It’s our duty to honor the 25 million service men and women who have proudly defended our nation. Everyone’s invited to join the Veterans Day Parade this Sunday beginning with a moment of silence held at 11:00 a.m. on the steps of City Hall, near Hermann Square Reflecting Pool. As General Geroge S. Patton said, "Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man that leads that gains that victory."

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Mini Mother of All Tax Hikes
Posted by: Alicia Lee (11-09-2007, 04:44 PM)

Today, the Democrat majority permanently raised taxes by $82.5 billion on individuals and corporations. While the Democrats advertise H.R. 3996 "as bill to help the middle class," in actual reality, it would target the middle class. This bad bill is only a prelude to Ways and Means' Chairman Charlie Rangel's "Mother of All Tax Hikes," H.R. 3970, which contains $3.5 trillion worth of tax increases over the next ten years. If Congress passes this bill, each household in the 7th Congressional District would see a tax increase of over $3300.

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Terrorists Potentially Operating in Mexico
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (11-09-2007, 04:06 PM)

Congressman Culberson has voiced his concerns about the possibility of terrorists entering the United States across our porous southern border. Recently, a former CIA official said that intelligence reports indicate that Hamas and Hezbollah cells "may seek to set up operations in Mexico in order to carry out terrorist attacks in the U.S." Click here for the full article.

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Culberson Credited With Expanding Zero Tolerance
Posted by: Michael Green (11-08-2007, 12:07 PM)

Last night, CNN's Lou Dobbs spoke with John Culberson on his efforts to expand a zero tolerance policy towards illegal aliens. During the interview, the Congressman said, "Frankly, we need action. That is why I went to the Laredo sector chief, Carlos Carrillo, and my next goal is to expand zero tolerance into the Brownsville sector. Let me say very quickly, the local community on the river supports zero tolerance. These people that live there, they are moms and dads, they are wage-earners, they are business owners, and they want safe streets. They want these criminals and thugs off the street."

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New Passport Rules
Posted by: Emily Klein (11-08-2007, 11:51 AM)

The State Department recently announced that beginning in January 2008, individuals will need to show proof of citizenship when entering the United States from Canada or Mexico. The Department of Homeland Security will no longer accept verbal declarations of citizenship as they have in the past. If you plan on traveling across the border you will need a certified birth certificate as well as your driver’s license or a United States passport to regain entry into the United States. Parents traveling with children under the age of 16 will need the child’s certified birth certificate. If you are a legal permanent resident of the United States, you will need to show your green card.

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Culberson to Speak with Texans for Immigration Reform
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (11-07-2007, 06:11 PM)

Congressman Culberson will be a guest speaker on Saturday at the monthly meeting of Texans for Immigration Reform. The Congressman will be on hand to discuss border security priorities such as funding for border sheriffs and the expansion of Operation Streamline from Brownsville to San Diego.

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Culberon Praises Zero Tolerance Policy on Lou Dobbs
Posted by: Michael Green (11-06-2007, 11:46 AM)

Last night Congressman John Culberson appeared on Lou Dobbs on CNN to discuss the potential implementation of a zero tolerance policy towards illegal aliens from Brownsville to San Diego. Lou Dobbs reported this policy is “progress worthy of note” because it proves it is possible for this country to enforce immigration laws. Under zero tolerance, every illegal alien caught entering the country is arrested under federal law, which has proven a strong deterrent and has dramatically reduced border crossings.

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The Transition to Digital TV
Posted by: Chris Attar (11-06-2007, 10:58 AM)

On February 17, 2009 all “over the air” TV broadcasts (channels picked up by an antenna either on your TV or roof) will end analog transmission and only transmit a digital signal. Even though the implementation date is still over a year away, you might want to plan ahead to make sure your TV programming goes uninterrupted. If you subscribe to either cable or satellite or have a TV less than three years old, you don’t need to worry about the switch. If you have a TV over 3 years old AND use an antenna (either on top of your TV or on your roof), you will probably need to buy a digital tuner. Here are 3 things you can do to ensure a smooth transition. For more information check out:

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Laredo Sector Closed to Illegal Immigrants
Posted by: Jeff Morehouse (11-01-2007, 03:20 PM)

As of midnight October 30, the Laredo Sector is closed to illegal immigrants. Listen here to Congressman Culberson’s interview with KTRH reporter Scott Braddock about his efforts to expand the Border Patrol’s zero tolerance program called Operation Streamline into the Laredo Sector. The Congressman explains the new enforcement approach of Operation Streamline and he describes in depth how this program has proven effective in reducing crime and illegal border crossings in the Del Rio and Yuma Border Patrol Sectors.

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E-mail Update on Constituent Services
Posted by: Michael Green (10-26-2007, 03:33 PM)

Congressman Culberson sent an email update today with information on constituent services that he can provide. If you are planning a trip to Washington D.C., we can help arrange tours of the White House, the Capitol, the Library of Congress, the Supreme Court, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and other important sites. We can also help you commemorate a special event such as a birthday, anniversary, or graduation by flying an American flag over the United States capitol. If you need help resolving issues with federal agencies, contact our Houston office at 713-682-8828 and they will be happy to help. If you would like to receive Congressman Culberson’s email updates, you can sign up for them here.

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Culberson in the News on Zero Tolerance
Posted by: Michael Green (10-25-2007, 05:18 PM)

Anticipation is building for tomorrow’s press conference in Laredo. CNN’s Lou Dobbs, Fox News Channel, Houston’s Channel 11 News, and national radio host Michael Savage are planning to interview Congressman Culberson on the expansion of the Border Patrol’s zero tolerance policy towards illegal aliens. This is an important story because it proves it is possible to use law enforcement to dramatically reduce illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and crime along the border. Congressman Culberson was instrumental in getting this policy adopted in Laredo and he is looking forward to getting the word out on zero tolerance to help build support for it along the entire border.

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Surveillance Bill Would Weaken National Security
Posted by: Michael Green (10-17-2007, 06:19 PM)

Today Congress debated legislation that would weaken America’s national security. The bill, called the RESTORE Act, would overhaul laws on electronic surveillance and grant terrorists more rights than U.S. citizens. It would also keep in place outdated legal hurdles that may have doomed three U.S. soldiers in Iraq this spring.

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Border Patrol Agents in Solitary Confinement
Posted by: Michael Green (10-16-2007, 11:43 AM)

This morning’s Washington Times reported on efforts by Congressman John Culberson and other Representatives to help unjustly imprisoned Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. These agents were wrongly convicted for shooting a drug smuggler while protecting the Mexican border and they now face prison conditions far worse than terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay. In a letter to Attorney General-designate Michael Mukasey, Congressman Culberson and over three dozen of his colleagues said, “As the nominee to be the next Attorney General, we urge you to investigate the case against these two agents who we believe acted in accordance with their duties to enforce the law, as well as, take action to rectify the mistreatment of Ignacio Ramos and move him to a minimum security facility.”

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Death Tax Kept Alive
Posted by: Michael Green (10-12-2007, 02:51 PM)

This week Congress had an opportunity to get rid of the death tax once and for all, but Democrats in the House rejected an amendment that would have permanently repealed it. The death tax is one of the worst taxes ever enacted because it unfairly targets Americans who have worked hard all their lives to save and provide for their loved ones. The government should reward people who save and use their money responsibly, rather than taxing families during the grieving period following a relative’s death. Furthermore, hardworking Americans who own small businesses or family farms shouldn’t have to worry that their business or farm will have to be sold to pay this unjust tax.

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Chinese Government Hacking U.S. Computers
Posted by: Michael Green (10-12-2007, 01:56 PM)

Congressman Culberson signed on to both a letter and bill this week urging the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to block the Communist Chinese takeover of 3Com Corporation. This development is a critical national security concern because 3Com is a world leader in technologies designed to prevent cyber espionage and warfare. As you may remember, earlier this year the Chinese government hacked into the Pentagon’s computer network and stole American military secrets. They have also continuously broken into the computer networks of other U.S. agencies and corporations.

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Culberson Receives "Champion of Border Security" Award
Posted by: Michael Green (10-05-2007, 01:08 PM)

As many of you probably know, Congressman Culberson’s highest priority is securing our borders. Recently, the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition and the Southwest Border Sheriff’s Coalition recognized Congressman Culberson’s hard work by honoring him with the award, "Champion of Border Security."  According to the award, Congressman Culberson received it for his “leadership and vision on behalf of border security issues.” Last year, the 16 sheriffs of the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition also thanked Congressman Culberson for everything he is doing to secure the border by presenting him with a display containing sheriff badges and the quote, “America needs boots on the ground to protect our southern border from armed and dangerous criminals, violent gang members, drug smugglers, and potential terrorists.”

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The Lessons of Sputnik
Posted by: Michael Green (10-04-2007, 05:45 PM)

Fifty years ago today, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite. While this was a defining moment in space exploration, the event also shocked our nation and forced the country to reexamine its position in the world. Before Sputnik circled the Earth, the U.S. believed it was far ahead in technological development - but the radio transmissions beaming down to Earth proved otherwise. To regain our edge, the federal government invested heavily in science, education, and engineering over the coming years and decades. This effort paid off when we beat the Soviets to the Moon and later emerged as the world’s only superpower.

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Breast Cancer Awareness
Posted by: Alicia Lee (10-01-2007, 03:30 PM)

If you've looked around a retail store, I'm sure you've seen familiar items with a pink twist to raise money and promote awareness for breast cancer research. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the United States, breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death among women. While many think of breast cancer as a women's issue, each year, about 1,700 men in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Health Insurance for Illegals?
Posted by: Michael Green (09-28-2007, 03:39 PM)

This week the House passed yet another version of SCHIP, a bill that raises taxes on cigarettes by 61 cents a pack to help give illegal immigrants free, government subsidized health care. The bill would weaken existing law, (which forces states to check drivers’ licenses, passports, or birth certificates of applicants) and replace it with one that allows states to submit names and Social Security numbers to the Social Security Administration for verification. There is only one catch – according to a letter written by the Administrator, SSA does not have the ability to verify them. This means illegal immigrants could easily apply for free health care, paid for by your tax dollars.

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House Votes to Support Our Troops
Posted by: Michael Green (09-26-2007, 04:38 PM)

The House finally went on record today in support of General Petraeus and our men and women in uniform. Congressman Culberson helped pass this resolution, which honored “all members of the Armed Forces” and condemned “in the strongest possible terms,”’s personal attack on General David Petraeus. Seventy-nine Democrats voted against supporting our troops.

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Cypress Ridge Eagle Scouts Honored
Posted by: Mollie Schall (09-24-2007, 04:50 PM)

Michael Froebel and Alexander Rahn were honored for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout on Saturday, September 22, 2007 at the Jersey Village Church of Christ. Currently Juniors at Cypress Ridge High School, both young men began their path to earning Eagle Scout in August of 1997. After ten years of hard work and dedication, their quest to achieve the highest title in scouting came to an end.

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Majority Passes Bills to Raise Taxes and Expand the Government
Posted by: Michael Green (09-24-2007, 04:34 PM)

Congressman John Culberson is working to make your government more effective, more efficient, and more accountable. For these reasons, he voted against three bills last week that the liberal majority passed in the House. One would raise taxes and increase the costs of air travel, while the others would dramatically expand the size of government.

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House Honors Dr. Michael DeBakey
Posted by: Michael Green (09-17-2007, 06:15 PM)

The House passed legislation today to honor Dr. Michael Ellis DeBakey with a Congressional Gold Medal. Dr. DeBakey is best known for performing the world’s first open heart surgery while working at the Texas Medical Center in Houston. Congressman Culberson, who is a lead sponsor of the bill, spoke about DeBakey’s many accomplishments on the House floor. “The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian honor Congress can bestow upon a person. DeBakey is certainly a man who deserves this honor.”

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Terrorists Arrested on the Texas-Mexico Border
Posted by: Michael Green (09-14-2007, 11:14 AM)

Texas’ top Homeland Security Chief confirmed that terrorists with ties to “Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al Qaeda have been arrested crossing the Texas border with Mexico in recent years.” National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell recently supported that statement by saying, “a small number of people with known links to terrorist organizations have been caught crossing the border.” These comments prove that we must secure the border to ensure that terrorists cannot simply walk into the United States.

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Culberson Defends Taiwan's Bid for UN Membership
Posted by: Michael Green (09-13-2007, 11:44 AM)

Earlier this week, John Culberson defended Taiwan’s bid for United Nation’s membership by submitting a statement for the Congressional Record. Since 1993, the democratic government’s application has been denied by the United Nations due to Communist Chinese intervention.

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Military Objectives of the Surge Being Met
Posted by: Michael Green (09-11-2007, 02:19 PM)

For the last two days, General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker have testified about their experiences in Iraq with Members of Congress. Petraeus summarized the situation by saying “the military objectives of the surge are, in large measure, being met.” He went on to say that attacks declined in eight of the past twelve weeks and local citizens are “rejecting Al Qaeda and other extremists.” Most encouragingly, Petraeus believes the U.S. military will be able to reduce troop levels in the coming months because Iraqis are increasingly taking responsibility for their own security. He concluded by saying, “Our country’s men and women in uniform have done a magnificent job in the most complex and challenging environment imaginable. All Americans should be very proud of their sons and daughters serving in Iraq today.”

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National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Posted by: Alicia Lee (09-04-2007, 11:31 AM)

September marks National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, an opportunity to educate the public and renew our commitment to finding a cure. Among women in the U.S., ovarian cancer is the seventh most common type of cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death, after lung, breast, colon, and pancreatic cancers. This year, the National Institutes of Health will invest $102 million and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will dedicate nearly $5 million for ovarian cancer research.

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Culberson to Appear on Lou Dobbs Tonight
Posted by: Michael Green (08-28-2007, 03:28 PM)

This evening, John Culberson will appear on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss expanding a zero tolerance policy towards illegal aliens along the US-Mexico border. Zero tolerance (arresting every single illegal alien entering the country and throwing them in jail) is currently only in full effect near Del Rio, but the Congressman would like to implement this policy along the entire border, from Brownsville to San Diego. Lou Dobbs airs from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CDT on CNN.

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21st Golden Age Games Commence in Houston
Posted by: Mollie Schall (08-28-2007, 09:41 AM)

Today marks the first day of the 21st Annual Veterans Golden Age Games, which Houston is proud to host this year. Military veterans over the age of 54 who currently receive health care at any VA facility are eligible to participate. The Games encourage physical activity, competitiveness, and camaraderie among our veterans and are considered among the most progressive senior sports programs in the world. After all, healthy competition and physical activity are important at every stage of life!

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Hurricane Dean Heading Towards the Gulf
Posted by: Michael Green (08-20-2007, 10:37 AM)

As of this morning, the National Hurricane Center predicts that Hurricane Dean will make landfall in central Mexico, well south of the Texas coast. In the meantime, the State of Texas is preparing in case the storm changes course. Some of these preparations include sending a fleet of 1,300 buses to South Texas to potentially evacuate residents, transporting an extra 100,000 barrels of gasoline to the Rio Grande valley, and deploying additional law enforcement and Texas National Guard units to the region.

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Attention Shoppers!
Posted by: Mollie Schall (08-17-2007, 04:35 PM)

As the dog days of summer wind down, parents and students in our district are gearing up for the school year. Traditionally, it is a time for growing boys and girls to purchase new clothes and school supplies for the Fall. In response to this trend, the State of Texas enacted a tax-free weekend, exempting the state’s 8.25 percent sales tax on clothing and footwear items under $100. Backpacks intended for school use were added this year.

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State Dedicates Texas WWII Memorial
Posted by: Michael Green (08-15-2007, 09:28 AM)

The State of Texas will honor the sacrifice of the “greatest generation” today by dedicating the Texas World War II Memorial. More than 830,000 Texas men and women served in World War II and over 22,000 lost their lives defending our country. The ceremony is open to the public and will take place on the State Capitol grounds in Austin near the east entrance of the Texas Supreme Court Building at 10:00 a.m. Retired Major General Robert Ivany will be the keynote speaker. Today is the 62nd anniversary of the surrender of Japan (V-J Day), which formally ended the Second World War.

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Politically Invested in Defeat
Posted by: Michael Green (08-07-2007, 04:08 PM)

Despite indications our military is achieving results in Iraq, third-ranking House Democrat James Clyburn (SC-D) told the Washington Post last week that success would be "a real big problem for us."  He further went on to say that a strongly positive report on Iraq would likely split Democrats in the House and impede his party’s efforts to press for a timetable to end the war.

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NASA Expected to Conclude Busy Launch Week
Posted by: Michael Green (08-07-2007, 11:50 AM)

Tomorrow evening, NASA is expected to conclude a busy week of launches. At 5:36 CDT, the Space Shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to lift-off from Cape Canaveral, Florida for an 11 day mission to the International Space Station. Endeavour will deliver a truss segment, which will act as a structural backbone for future additions. Endeavour’s seven member crew includes teacher Barbara Morgan, who was a backup astronaut on the Challenger 22 years ago. 

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Democrats Overturn House Vote
Posted by: Michael Green (08-03-2007, 04:21 PM)

Last year Nancy Pelosi said, “We pledge to make this the most honest, ethical, and open Congress in history.” Last night the Majority absolutely violated this promise by overturning a recorded vote, defying 218 years of precedent. Republican Whip Roy Blunt responded by saying "I am ashamed of this House." John Culberson agreed, “The Democrats stole the vote last night in order to let illegal immigrants receive benefits in the agriculture bill. This shows how determined they are to put illegal immigrants on federal assistance.”

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Media Interview Culberson on Illegal Immigration
Posted by: Michael Green (08-03-2007, 04:14 PM)

This morning John Culberson appeared on Fox News Live with host E.D. Hill to discuss the SCHIP reauthorization. During the interview, Culberson said, “This legislation can allow every illegal alien in the country under 25 to sign up for free federal universal health care coverage, send the federal government the bill for it, and at the same time, it kicks 3.2 million seniors off of Medicare Advantage while shifting coverage to illegal aliens.”

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Culberson Speaks to Michael Savage About SCHIP Bill
Posted by: Michael Green (08-01-2007, 05:39 PM)

Radio talk show host Michael Savage spoke with John Culberson today to discuss the SCHIP reauthorization, a bill that would significantly expand government spending and allow illegal immigrants to receive free universal health care. The taped interview will appear either tonight or tomorrow on Savage’s show, which airs on 950 AM KPRC in Houston. Culberson considers this bill the first step in creating “HillaryCare,” a government funded universal health program that would bankrupt the country. If you are interested in learning more about the bill, be sure to check out this top ten list of things you should know.

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The House Honors NASA's Contributions
Posted by: Michael Green (07-31-2007, 12:13 PM)

The House helped honor NASA’s 50th Anniversary last night by passing the "NASA 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act,” a bill introduced by Houston Representatives John Culberson and Sheila Jackson Lee. Congressman Culberson, who is a passionate supporter of NASA and scientific research said, “Just like it was impossible 200 years ago to measure the value of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, we cannot place a value on the discoveries now taking place at NASA.”

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"We Just Might Win"
Posted by: Michael Green (07-30-2007, 12:14 PM)

This week the House will vote on the Defense appropriations bill, which will determine the amount of money the U.S. spends on the military next year. Chairman John Murtha and Speaker Nancy Pelosi plan on offering amendments to the bill to cut funding for our troops serving in Iraq. While I doubt that Murtha and Pelosi care to read them, we are beginning to see numerous reports suggesting that the troop surge is working. Even the New York Times, a publication that long argued against the war admits, “we just might win…there is enough good happening on the battlefields of Iraq today that Congress should plan on sustaining the effort at least into 2008.” Let’s hope Congress listens to that common sense advice while debating the withdrawal amendments this week.

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Houses Passes Amendment to Release Border Patrol Agents
Posted by: Michael Green (07-26-2007, 10:12 AM)

Imprisoned Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean moved once step closer to returning home to their families last night. By voice vote, the House approved an amendment to the Justice Department funding bill that could lead to the early release of Ramos and Compean. John Culberson defended the amendment on the House floor saying, “We cannot as Members of Congress send a stronger signal to the White House and to the American people how committed we are to protecting this border and standing behind our law enforcement agents, and letting the Border Patrol agents know that we are proud of them and support the work that they are doing for the sake of our children and for the sake of our constituents. We understand clearly that we will never win the war on terror until we have truly protected our borders.”

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What is a Permanent Military Base?
Posted by: Michael Green (07-25-2007, 07:27 PM)

If you like media grandstanding and political posturing, you would have loved this morning’s vote on the House floor to prohibit funding for permanent military bases in Iraq. At first glance, this seems like the sort of legislation that all democracies should debate during a time of war. Yet, on closer inspection, it is clear this bill would do absolutely nothing to change American policy.

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Time to Fix the AMT
Posted by: Michael Green (07-24-2007, 09:55 AM)

On Saturday, the non-partisan Tax Foundation released some helpful information about the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax). According to their research, unless something is done soon, the number of Americans paying the AMT next year will jump from 3.4 million to 23 million. This is a significant increase considering that the AMT was originally created to target only 155 wealthy individuals.  Earlier this year the new majority promised an “AMT fix,” but unfortunately no action has taken place. If this lack of interest continues much longer, many families earning between $150,000 and $500,000 will owe the government more in taxes next year. John Culberson is pushing for Congress to abolish the AMT and it is time for Democrats to follow through on their promise. Unfortunately at this point, the new majority seems more interested in spending your money than in allowing you to keep your hard earned tax dollars.

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Space Center Houston Unveils Saturn V Exhibit
Posted by: Michael Green (07-19-2007, 04:39 PM)

This Saturday, after two years of restoration, Space Center Houston will publicly unveil the “Saturn Experience,” a new exhibit featuring their Saturn V rocket.  The 30 story tall Saturn V remains one of the largest rockets ever built and without it, the United States would not have won the race to the moon.  NASA officials will be present from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday to talk about the rocket’s history and to discuss plans for future lunar missions.

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Zero Tolerance Reducing Crime Along the Border
Posted by: Michael Green (07-18-2007, 03:12 PM)

This morning, John Culberson talked with Doug McIntyre on Talk Radio 790 KABC about the benefits of Operation Streamline. During the interview, Congressman Culberson said, “The illegals are now bypassing Del Rio and the crime rate has fallen through the floor. Robberies, rapes, burglaries etc. have fallen through the floor. Illegal crossings have dropped to the floor and the local community loves it…Del Rio proves it is utterly false that we need new laws. It is utterly false we need comprehensive immigration reform to the secure the border. All we need is willpower and to use existing law.”  In case you are wondering what "through the floor" crime reduction means, consider this - since Operation Streamline began, crime has dropped 76 percent in Val Verde county according to Sheriff A. D'Wayne Jernigan. 

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Iraqi Smuggling Ring Operating on the Southern Border
Posted by: Michael Green (07-17-2007, 04:45 PM)

ABC News is reporting today that the FBI is investigating a smuggling ring that agents say are “bringing Iraqis and other Middle Eastern individuals across the Rio Grande from Mexico.” This is especially dangerous because the ring has been bringing people into the U.S. for more than a year now. In a separate story this morning, the Associated Press reported that “the terrorist network Al Qaeda will likely leverage its contacts and capabilities in Iraq to mount an attack on U.S. soil.” If Al Qaeda is working with Iraqis to attack our country, isn’t it scary to think that an unknown number of Iraqis have been paying big bucks over the last year to illegally enter the United States?

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Senate Holding Hearing on Convicted Border Patrol Agents
Posted by: Michael Green (07-17-2007, 11:59 AM)

This morning a Congressional committee is finally holding a hearing to investigate the unjust convictions of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. In early 2005, these agents were patrolling our dangerous southern border when they saw a suspicious, loaded down van driving near the Rio Grande. As they approached the vehicle, the driver jumped out, scuffled with one of the agents, and brandished something in his hand. The agents fired in self defense and the man fled to Mexico. Afterwards the agents found nearly 750 pounds of marijuana in the van and told their supervisor about what happened. Sounds like a successful day defending America, right?

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A Thank You Gift to Big Labor
Posted by: Alicia Lee (07-17-2007, 09:27 AM)

Today, the House is voting on H.R. 980, the so-called "Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act." This bill would federally unionize every single firefighter, police officer, and emergency medical technician in the country. The Federal Labor Relations Authority would have oversight of the labor-management laws of public safety workers in every city, county, and state - stripping localities of the right to govern themselves.

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M.D. Anderson Among America's Best Hospitals
Posted by: Michael Green (07-16-2007, 05:39 PM)

The U.S. News and World Report released its annual “America’s Best Hospitals” list today. Houstonians should be proud to know that for the fifth time in eight years, M.D. Anderson ranked as the top hospital in the nation for cancer care. Thank you to the doctors, nurses, and staff at M.D. Anderson and congratulations for yet again achieving this great honor.

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Putting It All Together
Posted by: Michael Maxwell (07-16-2007, 02:56 PM)

The agents of the Border Patrol, over 13,000 strong, deserve our admiration and recognition for the job they perform in an often-hazardous environment. At the same time, we must accept the fact that while the majority of 3-4 million aliens who attempt to cross the Northern and Southern borders illegally every year do not represent a national security threat, embedded amongst them are hardened criminals and terrorists. Below are two specific, and publicly available, examples of terrorists crossing the Southern border. The Northern border and our ports of entry have also been breached by Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Qaeda. Many more aliens with links to terrorism have been stopped and denied entry, literally turned around by the Border Patrol and sent packing, on the spot.

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Culberson on National Airwaves Today
Posted by: Michael Green (07-13-2007, 10:35 AM)

Congressman John Culberson will again be on the national airwaves today to discuss Operation Streamline, a new zero tolerance policy towards illegal immigrants that is significantly reducing illegal border crossings in the Del Rio sector of Texas. He will talk to G. Gordon Liddy at about 9:30 a.m. CDT on Sirius Channel 144 and XM Radio 166. Later, he will appear on Fox News Live with host E.D. Hill at about 10:30 a.m. CDT. Afterwards, he will call in to Bill O'Reilly's radio show at 12:05 p.m. CDT, which can be found on 950 KPRC.  Finally, this evening, he will call in to the Michael Savage Show, which begins at 5:00 p.m. CDT and can also be found on 950 KPRC.

Posted in Border Security | 9 Comments | View Full Posting

Apprehensions of Other-Than-Mexicans
Posted by: Michael Maxwell (07-13-2007, 10:03 AM)

Statistically, over 90 percent of individuals apprehended crossing the Southwest Border hail from Mexico, yet the apprehension of “Other-than-Mexicans” (OTM) reveals interesting trends as well. While the number of OTM apprehensions “for the entire Southwest border dropped over the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year, (37,448 for this year and 76,095 for last year)”, Border Patrol agents stated:

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Effective Control of the Border?
Posted by: Michael Maxwell (07-13-2007, 09:49 AM)

When asked about the increasing numbers of alien apprehensions, the Law Enforcement professionals of the Border Patrol, reported the 22.7 percent decline in apprehensions for the first three quarters of the fiscal year was relatively meaningless as an accurate representation of border control for several reasons.

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Apprehensions Are Down...But Increasing?
Posted by: Michael Maxwell (07-12-2007, 04:34 PM)

In a recent article by Washington Times reporter Jerry Seper, U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Michael Friel highlighted a decrease in the number of illegal alien apprehensions along the Mexican Border: "The number of illegal aliens caught trying to cross the Mexican border into the United States is down 24 percent compared with the previous year, indicating that increased border security efforts are beginning to pay off, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). We are continuing to develop and add the resources we need to gain effective control of the border. And we are beginning to see a difference," said CBP spokesman Michael Friel. "Cross-border activity has declined with the addition of agents and added technology. Combined with the deployment of 6,000 National Guard troops on the border, that deterrence effect has taken place."

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Culberson Passes Amendment to Prevent Agreement with Mexico
Posted by: Michael Green (07-12-2007, 11:09 AM)

Yesterday, a Congressional committee passed an amendment by John Culberson to protect Social Security and prevent a totalization agreement with Mexico from going into effect. For those of you not familiar with “totalization” (the type of word that only a government bureaucrat could love), it is an agreement that allows two countries to coordinate their Social Security programs. Generally these deals are good for Americans, but in 2004, the Social Security Administration signed an agreement with Mexico that was so bad, they didn’t release its details until they were forced to do so by a Freedom of Information Act request earlier this year.

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Culberson Talks to KTRH about Operation Streamline
Posted by: Michael Green (07-12-2007, 10:14 AM)

Scott Braddock, a reporter with KTRH radio in Houston, talked with Congressman Culberson last night about his recent trip to Del Rio. You can listen to Culberson’s interview and learn more about Operation Streamline and its zero tolerance policy towards illegal immigrants on KTRH’s website.

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Culberson to Appear on CNN's Glenn Beck Show Tonight
Posted by: Michael Green (07-11-2007, 05:39 PM)

Congressman Culberson will appear on the Glenn Beck Show tonight on CNN’s Headline News channel. He will discuss Operation Streamline, a new zero tolerance policy towards illegal immigrants that is significantly reducing illegal border crossings in the Del Rio Sector of Texas. Tomorrow, the Congressman plans to offer an amendment that will force the Department of Justice to take the same tough stance towards illegal immigrants along the entire length of the border. The show airs at 6:00 p.m. and will repeat at 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. CDT.

Posted in Border Security | 8 Comments | View Full Posting

West Houston Teacher Wins Statewide Award
Posted by: Michael Green (07-11-2007, 12:39 PM)

Ms. Samantha Melvin of Hunters Creek Elementary was one of 15 recipients of this year’s Outstanding Teaching of the Humanities Award. Congressman Culberson congratulated her by saying, “The people of Houston are fortunate to have wonderful teachers like her educating our next generation of leaders.” You can read more about his statement under our "In the News" section.

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Tax and Spend
Posted by: Michael Green (07-10-2007, 04:33 PM)

Does anyone remember how Democrats promised they would abandon their tax and spend ways if only we would give them a chance to run things in Washington? Pelosi’s majority must be counting on us to forget those assurances because after only six months in power, they are back to using your money anyway they can. Out of the 14 amendments that Republicans have offered so far this year to reduce spending, Democrats voted against them 96 percent the time! That’s right – of the 3,215 votes cast to save your hard earned tax dollars, Democrats voted ‘NO’ 3,097 times.

Posted in Budget, Taxes | 0 Comments | View Full Posting

Connecting the Dots, Visa Waivers and Terrorist Travel Patterns
Posted by: Michael Maxwell (07-06-2007, 10:17 AM)

In Tuesday's Washington Times, Audrey Hudson reports security aboard flights in and out of Europe has been beefed up with additional Air Marshals for more than two weeks due to intelligence that terrorists are in the advanced stages of planning an attack, location yet to be determined by the U.S.

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Posted by: Tony Essalih (06-26-2007, 05:19 PM)

We are experimenting with a new blog on the website featuring daily postings about the news and issues that are important to you. This blog allows readers to post comments and provide us with feedback so we can continue making improvements to it. Below are the biographies of some of the people who will be posting messages.

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