Africa - Organic Certification

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is pleased to announce the initiation of The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellows Program) Initiative for Organic Certification Systems in Africa. The Borlaug Fellows Program offers training and collaborative research opportunities in international agricultural science, leadership and policy to develop guidelines and regulations; build trade and scientific capacity; and improve regional coordination and market access. Each Fellow will work one-on-one with a mentor who will coordinate the Fellow’s training and visit the Fellow's home institution after completion of the training.

The 2008 Borlaug Fellows Program is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in cooperation with Washington State University and Colorado State University.

The application deadline for the 2008 Borlaug Fellows Program
for Organic Certification Programs is April 20 , 2008. 


  • Provide agricultural research scientists, faculty and policymakers with one-on-one training opportunities in the fields of agricultural research (see targeted research areas below);
  • Provide scientists, faculty and policymakers with practical experience and exposure to new technologies that can enhance their own research endeavors;
  • Foster increased collaboration and networking to improve agricultural productivity;
  • Facilitate the transfer of new science and agricultural technologies to strengthen agricultural practices;
  • Address obstacles to the adoption of technology such as ineffectual policies and regulations.
  • Targeted Research and Training Areas

    1. Production Research (e.g. Organic production methods and systems)

    2. Certification guidelines and regulations( USDA and state certification)

    3. Policy Issues (Program development and export guidelines)

    4. Extension Services (e.g. Farm Management/Co-ops, Niche Market Development)

    Length of Fellowships

    Fellowships are generally for 6 weeks but can be slightly longer if merited by the research topic.

    Eligibility Requirements

    Candidates will be evaluated, interviewed and selected based on the following criteria:

  • Citizens of the AGOA countries;

  • Good working knowledge of the English language;

  • Minimum Masters degree with 3 years of practical experience or working toward Masters degree with 5 years experience;

  • Early-to-mid stage in their professional career;

  • Currently employed at a research or policy institution with the intent to continue working in their home country for a minimum of two years following their return from the United States.
  • Application Requirements

    Eligible candidates are invited to submit the complete application including the following attachments no later than April 20, 2008.

  • Application form
  • One page program proposal
  • Approval of the home institution
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Official copy of transcript of college degrees
  • Copy of passport identification page
  • Two passport sized photos
  • For application materials, questions and to submit applications, please contact:

    Karen Uetrecht at or

    Abiola Adeyemi at

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    Last Modified: Monday, June 30, 2008