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Small Grant Fiscal Agent Process
  • If named as the fiscal agent, keep a copy of the application
  • Create a file, using the OWEB numbering system
  Grant Agreement
  • Receives and signs copies of the small grant agreement from the Small Grant Team, and follows instructions for forwarding signed copies.
  • Receives one fully executed copy of the grant agreement.
  • Files the grant agreement along with a copy of the application.
First Payment Request (Advance Payment)
There are two kinds of a First Payment. If the grantee makes an Advance Payment Request, the Fiscal Agent:
Secures from the grantee (if not included in the original application package):
  • Completed Land Use Form
  • Copies of permits (if required)
  • Secured Match Form, with signatures from authorized representatives
  • The Project Expenses column of the Request for Release of Funds form, if new categories (“Other”) need to be specified.
  • The FIRST Request column, referring to the application budget for line item amounts to be charged to OWEB. The total for this column may not exceed 60% of the OWEB award amount. Funds for the Year 2 Status Report may not be requested at this stage. If fiscal administration is being sought, the charge to OWEB may not exceed 10% of the total amount being requested in the first payment.
  • A Tax ID Form and signs it
Finally, the Fiscal Agent:
  • Signs the Request for Release of Funds form.
  • Makes copies, as appropriate for the fiscal agent’s project file
  • Sends the entire package to the Project Manager for the Board listed on page 3 of the Grant Agreement.
Within 20 days of receipt, OWEB: 1) checks to see that a fully executed grant is on file before releasing funds; 2) reviews the request and either approves it or questions the fiscal agent and/or grantee for further clarification; and, 3) if approved, arranges for payment to be made to the fiscal agent.
The fiscal agent sends the first payment to the grantee, if appropriate.
First Payment Request (Reimbursement) In some cases, the grantee was able to initiate work on the project without need of advance funds. But as the project progressed, it is possible the grantee began to feel strapped for cash. The grantee may then request through the fiscal agent reimbursement of expenses incurred on the project.
For a first payment reimbursement, the Fiscal Agent will need all the attachments that are required for an Advance Payment (see above), plus receipts and invoices for the amount spent to date on the project. Reimbursement will only be for the total amount shown on the receipts and invoices and may not exceed 90% of the OWEB award amount.

Final Payment Request
With the final request, the Fiscal Agent:
Secures from the grantee:
  • Copies of all invoices and receipts associated with the project
  • Project Completion Report, complete with color photos and photo captions
  • Oregon Watershed Restoration Reporting form (use the most current form, available from the OWEB web site: http://egov.oregon.gov/OWEB/forms.shtml.
The Fiscal Agent then:
  • Tallies the invoices and receipts, and develops a spreadsheet based on project expenses. Verifies that the final amount being requested does not exceed the amount awarded (shown in the grant agreement). Invoices and receipts must be legible. Dates, amounts and descriptions must be clearly readable.  No purchase orders, statements, or credit card statements will be accepted without actual invoices attached.
  • Completes all three columns of the Request for Release of Funds based on the furnished invoices and receipts
    • If funds are being requested for the Two-Year Status Report, the fiscal agent consults the application budget for the allowed amount and fills in the amount in column 3.
    • Check to see that the totals for the two payment columns do not exceed the OWEB award amount shown on page one of the grant agreement, and that the fiscal administration fee for those two columns does not exceed 10% of the actual amount spent (not awarded) on the project.
Actual expenses do not need to mirror line item amounts in the original application. However, if Project Management has increased more than 10%, or if the grantee wishes to add line items that did not appear in the original budget, then you need to submit to the Project Manager for the Board a Budget Amendment Request.
  • Secures the fiscal agent’s or grantee’s signature on the payment request form
  • Makes copies, as appropriate for the fiscal agent’s project file
  • Sends the entire package to the OWEB Small Grant Project Manager listed on page 3 of the Grant Agreement
Within 20 days of receipt, OWEB: 1) reviews the request and either approves it or questions the fiscal agent or grantee for further clarification; and, 2) if approved, arranges for payment to be made to the fiscal agent.
The fiscal agent:
  • Sends the payment to the grantee
  • Sends the Two-Year Status Report Form to the responsible party listed on page 3 of the application with instructions to submit to OWEB two years from the project completion date.
  • Sends an email to the Team Record Keeper of the grant’s completion and the total amount spent

Page updated: September 10, 2007

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