Freq Band Time(s) Time Net Area Area Notes
kHz Zone Name No.
Region 0 - Worldwide
2182 Marine 0000Z International Distress all 0 24-hour coverage
14325 HAM As Needed Hurricane Net Atlantic and Pacific Coasts 0 As needed.  Both coasts
Region 1 - Atlantic, N. Europe, US
3968 HAM 0000Z Eastern Chesapeake Bay Nautical Chesapeake Bay 1 Shifts with DST. All hams welcome
3968 HAM 0000Z Chesapeake Bay Nautical Net Chesapeake Bay 1 Shifts with DST. Local time 1900.
2582 Marine 0035Z Bermuda Harbor Radio Atlantic 1 Six nets/day. Initial calls on VHF 16 and 2182, then switches to net frequency. Navigation information, weather, bridge opening times.
14334 HAM 0200Z Brazil Net East Coast 1
2582 Marine 0435Z Bermuda Harbor Radio Atlantic 1 Six nets/day. Initial calls on VHF 16 and 2182, then switches to net frequency. Navigation information, weather, bridge opening times.
14303 HAM 0800Z United Kingdom Maritime Mobile Net UK waters, Mediterranean & Atlantic 1 Meets twice per day. May change +/- for QRM.
8152 Marine 0830 local Cruiseheimer's Net E. Coast 1
2582 Marine 0835Z Bermuda Harbor Radio Atlantic 1 Six nets/day. Initial calls on VHF 16 and 2182, then switches to net frequency. Navigation information, weather, bridge opening times.
4003 Marine 1055Z Bahamas Air Sea Rescue Weather Net Bahamas 1
3696 Marine 1115Z Bahamas Weather Net Bahamas 1
7050 HAM 1200Z Eastern Waterway "Slow CW" East Coast 1 Mon, Wed, Fri. Shifts with DST.
7050 HAM 1200Z Eastern Waterway "Fast CW" East Coast 1 Thu, Sat, Sun. Shifts with DST.
14118 HAM 1200Z Le Reseau Du Capitaine Net Atlantic, Caribbean, and Pacific 1 French Canadian net. Most operators are bilingual. Also open at 1830 for emergency traffic and wx reports.  May be one hour earlier during daylight time.
8748 Marine 1205Z Rogoland Radio Norway 1 In English. Also broadcasts on 13158.
3696 HAM 1220Z Eastern Bahamas WX  Bahamas 1 Shifts with DST. Bahamas hams only - not a US frequency
2582 Marine 1235Z Bermuda Harbor Radio Atlantic 1 Six nets/day. Initial calls on VHF 16 and 2182, then switches to net frequency. Navigation information, weather, bridge opening times.
7268 HAM 1245Z Waterway Radio & Cruising Club Atlantic coast, Bahamas 1 Daily, 1145Z summers
14121 HAM 1245Z Mississauga Net Europe, Mediterranean, Atlantic, Caribbean, and Central America 1 Canadian stations and relays
21400 HAM 1300Z Trans Atlantic Net Atlantic 1 Weather and third party relay.
8152 Marine 1330Z Cruiseheimer's Net East Coast 1 Time shifts with DST
7268 HAM 1345Z Eastern Tech Net East Coast 1 Sundays, after Waterway Net. Shifts with DST.
7268 HAM 1345Z Eastern Computer Net East Coast 1 Fridays, after Waterway Net. Shifts with DST.
7268 HAM 1345Z Eastern Landcruisers Net East Coast 1 Thursdays, after Waterway Net
7272 HAM 1400Z Eastern United States Power Squadron 1 Tue. Shifts with DST.
7292 HAM 1400Z Florida Net Florida 1
14173 HAM 1530Z Eastern Chesapeake Nautical Net East Coast 1 Mon - Fri "Chesapeake Chat." Shifts with DST.
14313 HAM 1630Z German Maritime Mobile Net Germany & Europe 1 Daily
2582 Marine 1635Z Bermuda Harbor Radio Atlantic 1 Six nets/day. Initial calls on VHF 16 and 2182, then switches to net frequency. Navigation information, weather, bridge opening times.
1845 HAM 1700Z FL Amateur Radio Transmitting Society Florida 1 Daily
14300 HAM 1700Z USCG Aux - First net 1 Sat only
14303 HAM 1800Z United Kingdom Maritime Mobile Net UK waters, Mediterranean & Atlantic 1 Meets twice per day. May change +/- for QRM.
14313 HAM 1800Z USCG Aux - Second net 1 Sat only.
12359 SSB 1945Z Herb Hilgenberg's Weather US Atlantic Coast & Caribbean 1
12359 Marine 2000Z Herb Hilgenberg's Southbound II Net Atlantic & Caribbean, then Pacific 1 Detailed weather forecasts for cruisers.
12359 Marine 2000Z Herb Hilgenberg's Southbound II WX Net Atlantic 1 Check-ins begin at 1930Z. Detailed wx for Atlantic, Caribbean, and later for Pacific
2582 Marine 2035Z Bermuda Harbor Radio Atlantic 1 Six nets/day. Initial calls on VHF 16 and 2182, then switches to net frequency. Navigation information, weather, bridge opening times.
7295 HAM 2100Z Waterway Cocktail Hour US East Coast & Bahamas 1 Shifts with DST.
7295 HAM 2130Z Eastern Waterway "Cocktail Hour" East Coast 1 Shifts with DST.
14300 HAM 2200 local Mobile Maritime UK & Trans Atlantic 1 twice daily
8748 Marine 2305Z Rogoland Radio Atlantic 1 In English. Also broadcasts on 13158.
Region 2 - Caribbean, Gulf Coast, S. America, Panama Canal
7158 Marine 0000Z Caribbean Net Caribbean Sea 2
3935 Marine 0100Z Gulf Coast Hurricane Net US Gulf Coast 2 As needed. 
4357 Marine 0200Z Virgin Island Forecast Caribbean Sea 2 Several times per day
14303 HAM 0800Z Caribbean - UK Net Caribbean Sea 2 3 times per day
6227 Marine 0845 local Diver Dan Weather Bahamas 2
8143 Marine 0900 local Panama - Pacific Net Caribbean Sea 2
8164 SSB 0900 local 04 Patagonia Net Patagonia 2 Covers from Mar del Plata, Argentina through Valdivia, Chile
4357 Marine 1000Z Virgin Island Forecast 2 Several times per day
3815 Marine 1035Z West Indies Weather Net Caribbean Sea 2
7162 HAM 1035Z Antilles Emergency & Weather Net Caribbean Sea 2
6215 Marine 1100Z Antilles Cruiser's Net Caribbean Sea 2
7230 HAM 1100Z Caribbean Marine  Caribbean 2
7241 HAM 1100Z Caribbean Maritime Mobile Net Caribbean 2 Daily. Check-ins and weather
14283 HAM 1100Z Caribus Caribbean Sea 2
3930 HAM 1110Z Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands Weather Caribbean Sea 2 twice daily
7086 HAM 1125Z Caribbean Weather Net Details Caribbean Sea 2 WeFax on request
8161 Marine 1130Z Trinidad Net & Weather Caribbean Sea 2
4003 Marine 1200Z Bahamas Weather Net Bahamas 2
14303 HAM 1200Z Caribbean - UK Net Caribbean Sea 2 3 times per day
4003 Marine 1215Z Caribbean Weather Caribbean Sea 2
8104 Marine 1215Z Caribbean Safety & Security Net Caribbean Sea 2 Safety information for cruisers in Caribbean
3696 HAM 1220Z Bahamas Weather Net Bahamas 2 varies with daylight time
8104 Marine 1230Z Caribbean Safety & Security Net Caribbean Sea 2 David Jones' weather. Continues on 12362 kHz.
8152 Marine 1230Z Cruiseheimer's Net US East Coast & E. Caribbean 2 One hour earlier during daylight time.
7085 HAM 1300Z Central American Breakfast Central America from 20oN to 20oS 2
12362 Marine 1300Z Caribbean Weather Net Caribbean Sea 2 David Jones' weather. Continues from 1230 schedule.
8107 Marine 1330Z Panama Canal Connection Net Pacific from Mexico to Galapagos, Atlantic from Belize to Colombia 2 Emphasis on SW Caribbean
8107 Marine 1330Z Panama Canal Connection net Panama 2 Emphasis on SW Caribbean. Covers out to Galapagos, and to Belize and Colombia.
4030 Marine 1400Z Papaguyo Net Central/South America 2
7083 Marine 1400Z Breakfast Club Cruisers Net Central/South America 2
8143 SSB 1400Z Panama Pacific W. side Central America 2
8188 Marine 1400Z Northwest Caribbean Cruisers Net Mexico to Colombia 2 From Mexico to Colombia
14300 HAM 1600Z Maritime Mobile US Atlantic Coast & Caribbean 2 Coverage 1600 - 0200Z
14303 HAM 1800Z Caribbean - UK Net Caribbean Sea 2 3 times per day
7086 HAM 2030Z Cocktail & Weather Net Caribbean Sea 2
21404 HAM 2200Z Central American Net 2 Alt freq 21410
8107 Marine 2215Z Caribbean Weather Net Caribbean Sea 2 Hurricane Season
3815 HAM 2235Z Antilles Emergency & Weather Net Caribbean Sea 2
3930 HAM 2310Z Puerto Rico/Virgin Island Weather Caribbean Sea 2
3930 HAM 2310Z Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands Weather Caribbean Sea 2 twice daily
3815 HAM 2330Z Barbados/Trinidad Net Caribbean Sea 2
Region 3 - Mediterranean Sea
8122 SSB 0530Z Med Cruisers SSB Net Mediterranean 3 Summer sailing season 
7085 HAM 0700Z Mediterranean Maritime Mobile Net Mediterranean 3
Region 4 - E. Pacific, Hawaii, Mexico
3865 HAM 0000Z PDT British Columbia Boaters 4 Summer only - all welcome
14305 HAM 0200Z California - Hawaii Net Pacific Ocean 4
21402 HAM 0200Z Jerry's Happy Hour Pacific Ocean 4 Net Control in California
14313 HAM 0230Z Pacific Seafarers Net Pacific area 4 Alt freq 14300
4051 Marine 0230Z Cruisers Southbound Net 4
21404 HAM 0230Z Califonia - Hawaii Pacific Net Pacific Ocean 4 Weekdays
14115 HAM 0400Z DDD Net Pacific for Canadians Pacific Ocean 4 Twice Daily
14313 HAM 0430Z Pacific Maritime Net Pacific Ocean 4
7278 HAM 0750 local Great Northern Boaters' Net West Coast 4
7238.5 HAM 0800 local Baja California Maritime Net California 4
14315 HAM 0800Z Pacific Interisland Net Pacific 4
3865 HAM 0900Z British Columbia Boaters Net 4 Summers only.  Shifts with DST.
3865 HAM 1400Z PDT Port Ludlow Yacht Club 4 Summer only - all welcome
3968 HAM 1400Z Sonrisa Net 4
4030 Marine 1400Z Papaguayo Net 4
7214 HAM 1430 local Chubasco Net E. Pacific & Mexico 4
3865 HAM 1500Z Pt. Ludlow Yacht Club Net 4 Summers only.  Shifts with DST.
7294 HAM 1530Z Chubasco Net 4
7238 HAM 1600Z Baja California Maritime Net Southern California 4 1500Z in summer
14115 HAM 1700Z United States Power Squadron Net 4 Saturday
14115 HAM 1730Z DDD Net Pacific for Canadians 4 Twice Daily
14305 HAM 1900Z Confusion Net 4 Mon - Fri 
14340 HAM 1900Z Manana Net Sea of Cortez, the coast of mainland Mexico, South America, Alaska, and into the Pacific 4 Mon - Sat
21412 HAM 2200Z Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net Pacific/Worldwide 4 early bird check-in at 2130Z
14285 HAM 2300Z California to Caribbean 4 Mondays
Region 5 - South and West Pacific
14116 HAM 0300Z Australian Travellers Net Australia 5 For land-based and cruising hams
12353 Marine 0400Z Russell Radio Bora Bora to Australia 5 Shifts with DST.  Meets twice per day.
12356 Marine 0400Z Onerahi Yacht Club 5 Weather. From NZ.
14313 HAM 0400Z Pacific Maritime Mobile Net 5
14318 HAM 0400Z Arnold's Net 5 Includes weather. From Cook Islands, NZ
8815 Marine 0430Z Arnold's Net 5 Includes weather. From Cook Islands, NZ
2480 Marine 0530Z Onerahi Yacht Club 5 Weather. From NZ.
4445 Marine 0600Z Onerahi Yacht Club 5 Weather. From NZ.
12214 Marine 0630Z Arnold's Net WeFax 5 Weather, from Cook Islands, NZ
14180 HAM 0630Z Pitcairn Net 5
14310 HAM 0700Z Mariana - Guam Net 5
4445 Marine 0730 local Russell Radio - NZ New Zealand 5 twice daily
13137 Marine 0800 local Russell Radio - NZ New Zealand 5 twice daily
14315 HAM 0800Z Pacific Inter Island Net Pacific - Micronesia up to Hawaii 5 Daily roll call
2207 Marine 0815Z Cook Islands 5 Weather
4450 Marine 0900Z Arnold's Emergency Weather Net 5 Only when typhoons threaten in the Pacific basin
14315 HAM 1000Z Robby's Net 5 Twice Daily
13137 Marine 1600 local Russell Radio - NZ New Zealand 5 twice daily
11825 HAM 1600Z International SW Tahiti Pacific 5 Operates 1600Z - 0900Z
7299 HAM 1700Z South Pacific Sailing S. Pacific 5 Daily
2207 Marine 1815Z Cook Islands 5 Weather
14340 HAM 1900Z Mariana Net 5 Mon - Sat 
2480 Marine 1903Z Onerahi Yacht Club 5 Weather. From NZ.
4445 Marine 1915Z Onerahi Yacht Club 5 Weather. From NZ.
12214 Marine 1930Z Arnold's Weather Fax 5 Weather, from Cook Islands, NZ
12356 Marine 1945Z Onerahi Yacht Club 5 Weather. From NZ.
13176 Marine 2000Z Don's Maritime Mobile Net 5 Net may be discontinued due to death of net control
12359 Marine 2030Z Russell Radio Bora Bora to Australia 5 Shifts with DST. Meets twice per day.
14315 HAM 2100Z Tony's Net South Pacific 5 +/- QRM.  Position reports and weather.
12353 Marine 2115Z Russell Radio Bora Bora to Australia 5 Shifts with DST.  Meets twice per day.
7082 HAM 2135Z The Weather Net 5 from Australia
14320 HAM 2200Z Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net 5 from California
14315 HAM 2300Z Robby's Net 5 Twice Daily
Region 6 - Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Africa, Asia, South Atlantic
14320 HAM 0000Z Southeast Asia Maritime Mobile Net 6 Alternate frequency 7045 kHz
7085 HAM 0030Z Southeast Asiz Maritime Mobile Net Southeast Asia 6 Continuation of 14320 khz net at 2400Z
21407 HAM 0100Z Pacific - Indian Ocean Net 6
14316 HAM 0500Z Tony's Net Indian Ocean and Red Sea 6 from Kenya
14316 HAM 0630Z South African Maritime Mobile Net Indian Ocean & South Atlantic 6 Moves to 7045 afterward
14320 HAM 1115Z Roy's Net North & West Indian Ocean 6 Weather warnings, and then covers boats in Indian Ocean. QSY to SA m/m net at 14316 khz
7045 HAM 1130Z South African Maritime Mobile Net Indian Ocean & South Atlantic 6 Continuation of 14316 khz net at 0630Z
14316 HAM 1130Z South Africa Maritime Mobile Net 6 Twice daily. Alternate frequency 7045 kHz
14297 HAM 1900Z Italian Maritime Mobile Net Atlantic & S. Atlantic between Africa & Brazil 6 1900Z between 30 Mar & 20 Oct
14320 HAM 2400Z Southeast Asia Maritime Mobile Net Southeast Asia 6 aka Rowdy's Breakfast Show. Moves to 7085 afterward
14316 HAM Tony's Net Indian Ocean & Red Sea 6 Tony is a Silent Key.  Net may not be in operation.