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Online Help Features and Future Plans

  • Features and Future Plans
  • Technical Information and Installation
  • Training Manual
  • Technical Support

  • Features

    Version 11.2 Release Notes

    • The NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary component has been updated to Version 11.2.
    • The manual, Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules, has been added, including revisions dated through February 4, 2008.
    • Help for standardized edits has been added, in the component Edits Help for NAACCR V11.2 Metafile.
    • The SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2007 have been added, replacing the 2004 manual.
    • The Commission on Cancer FORDS component has been updated with changes posted through May 2008.
    • The Collaborative Staging Manual and Coding Instructions have been updated to version 01.04.01, and the document, “Recording Tumor Markers in Collaborative Staging System Site-Specific Factors” has been added..
    • A new “Favorites” tab has been included to add book marking functionality to the application.

    Historical Features

    • Online Help can be used with any Microsoft® Windows® application, not just with Registry Plus programs.
    • Online Help is produced by CDC from electronic versions of manuals from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, and the World Health Organization.
    • The manuals are reformatted for online viewing.
    • Online Help has been incorporated into software products of several other vendors, including CNExt and Rocky Mountain Cancer Data Systems. The Abstract Plus version includes the Registry Plus Abstract Plus User Guide.
    • Online Help is updated annually with the latest published version of the included manuals, plus published errata or additions.
    • An "About" topic included with each manual cites the versions of files and updates that are included in the Online Help edition.

    Future Plans

    The Registry Plus Online Help Development Priority List is a list of development tasks prioritized by the NPCR Registry Plus development team. Each task is the direct result of meetings with the Registry Plus User Group (RPUG) as well as requests from individual cancer registries and leaders in the cancer registry field. For more information on Registry Plus or RPUG please contact

    Registry Plus Online Help Development Priority List (updated May 5, 2008)
    Completed Tasks
    Updated NAACCR data dictionary to version 11.2
    Added Collaborative Staging release 01.04.01 released March 25, 2008
    Added help for NAACCR Edits
    Added SEER manual 2007
    Updated FORDS through May 2008
    Added 2007 multiple primary/histology rules
    Remaining Task Priority Percentage
    Migrate benign brain tumor training materials 1 90%
    Enhance and harmonize index and hyperlinks 2 0%
    Investigate web help tools for increased functionality 3 10%
    Technical writer review 4 0%

    Page last reviewed: May 14, 2008
    Page last updated: May 14, 2008
    Content source: Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
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