(Dollars in Thousands)

  Pos. FTE Amount
2007 Enacted 10,113 10,223 1,654,886
2008 Enacted 10,216 10,275 1,754,822
2008 Supplemental Request 0 0 5,000
2009 Request 10,299 10,369 1,831,336
Change 2009 from 2008 Enacted 83 94 76,514
Adjustments to Base      
2009 pay raise (2.9%) 0 0 25,770
2008 pay raise annualization (3.5%) 0 0 9,926
1% increase in FERS LE Contribution 0 0 26
Annualization of 2008 positions (FTE) 0 52 0
Annualization of 2008 positions (dollars) 0 0 12,135
Retirement 0 0 1,132
Health Insurance 0 0 3,989
Employees Compensation Fund 0 0 280
Administrative Salary Increases 0 0 8,822
GSA Rent 0 0 4,982
Moves (Lease Expirations) 0 0 235
DHS Security Charge 0 0 -31
Guard Service Adjustment in Leased Space 0 0 1,877
Postage 0 0 153
Security Investigations 0 0 1,144
Government Printing Office (GPO) 0 0 105
Electronic Case Filing (PACER) 0 0 2,000
Subtotal Increases 0 52 72,545
Changes in Compensable Days 0 0 -4431
Subtotal Decreases 0 0 -4,431
Total Adjustments to Base 0 52 68,114
Total Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments 0 52 68,114
2009 Current Changes 10,216 10,327 1,822,936
Program Changes      
Southwest Border Enforcement Initiative 83 42 8,400
Total Program Changes 83 42 8,400
2009 Request 10,299 10,369 1,831,336
Change 2009 from 2008 Enacted 83 94 76,514
*Amount includes the annualization of 79 unfilled/vacant positions filled during FY 2008 as a result of the FY 2008 appropriation.



(Dollars in thousands)

  2008 Enacted 2009 Current Services 2009 Request Total Program Changes
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
1. Criminal 8,033 8,010 $1,367,795 8,033 8,062 $1,420,067 8,116 8,104 $1,428,467 83 42 $8,400
2. Civil 2,142 2,225 367,366 2,142 2,225 382,817 2,142 2,225 382,817 0 0 0
3. Legal Education 41 40 19,661 41 40 20,052 41 40 20,052 0 0 0
Total 10,216 10,275 1,754,822 10,216 10,327 1,822,936 10,299 10,369 1,831,336 83 42 8,400
Reimbursable FTE* 0 1,512   0 1,512 0 0 1,537 0 0 25 0
Grand Total 10,216 11,787 1,754,822 10,216 11,839 1,822,936 10,299 11,906 1,831,336 83 67 8,400
The total number of reimbursable FTE reflected in Exhibit B, Summary of Requirements, differs from what is in the FY 2009 President’s Budget Appendix, Program and Financial Schedule, because USA’s reimbursable partners increased reimbursable FTE after the MAX database was finalized. Exhibit H, Summary of Reimbursable Resources also reflects these increases.


(Dollars in thousands)

Program Changes Perm
FTE Amount
1. Southwest Border Enforcement Initiative 83 42 $8,400
The U.S. Attorneys request $8,400,000 and 83 positions (42 FTE), which includes 50 attorneys and 33 paralegals, to support the Department's Southwest Border Enforcement Initiative. Federal prosecution of border crime is a critical part of our Nation's defense and gaining operational control of the border is essential. The 1,933 miles of the Southwest Border, which includes the United States Attorneys’ Offices for the Southern District of California, the Southern District of Texas, the Western District of Texas, and the Districts of Arizona and New Mexico, is particularly vulnerable to the operation of cross-border criminal enterprises including human and drug smuggling and to an enormous number of illegal aliens. Additional AUSAs and paralegals are needed to respond to a steadily increasing case load generated by additional law enforcement resources and aggressive enforcement of the immigration statutes. FY 2009 current services resources are 328 positions (223 attorneys), 298 FTE, and $50,270,180; total FY 2009 resources are 411 positions (273 attorneys), 340 FTE, and $58,670,180.      
Total Program Changes 83 42 $8,400