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Plans for Affordable Housing at Mesa del Sol

On Thursday, a Workforce Housing Plan for Mesa del Sol was approved by the Mesa del Sol Tax Increment District Board of Directors. The Plan, which is supported by Mesa del Sol, will go before the City Council for consideration during Monday’s meeting (R-07-193).

“This plan is a big step forward in securing affordable housing for working families in this new, emerging community,” said Councilor Benton whose District includes Mesa del Sol. “Councilor O’Malley and I met with Mike Daly (Forest City’s COO), affordable housing developers, community members, consultants, and representatives from Mesa del Sol numerous times to hammer out an agreement that is beneficial to both the City and Mesa del Sol.”

Councilor O’Malley said that crafting a comprehensive plan for Mesa del Sol was very challenging.

“Forest City is a multi-billion dollar developer that has enormous resources and expertise. They are tough negotiators,” O’Malley said. She added that she appreciated Mike Daly’s commitment to working with Council members and other advocates of affordable housing on a plan that will insure that many working families will have an opportunity to live and work in their community.

“Councilors Benton and O’Malley are to be commended for their efforts, said Councilor Martin Heinrich. This agreement shows Albuquerque’s commitment to quality affordable housing and creating truly mixed income neighborhoods.”

Catherine Woodward, Executive Director of the Albuquerque Affordable Housing Coalition whose group was involved in the discussions, was pleased that an agreement was reached. “This is a thoughtful and progressive plan that makes homeownership and affordable rents possible for young families, the elderly and the disabled who are often priced out of the housing market. It should serve as a model for TIF (Tax Increment Financed) Districts nationwide. We hope that it will receive the full support of the Council.”

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