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OWEB's Performance Measures
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board takes performance seriously and is actively working with the Oregon Legislature to establish agency performance measures that will provide the opportunity to evaluate the agency's progress, other accomplishments of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, and partnership actions in watershed restoration in Oregon.
As with all of Oregon's state agencies, OWEB established Key Performance Measures that, when reported on annually to the Oregon Legislature, Oregon Progress Board, Legislative Fiscal Office, Budget and Management, and general public, provide a snapshot of important aspects of service delivery and accountability.  The annual reports, covering the state fiscal year (July 1-June 30) are called Annual Performance Progress Reports and they are found below for each of the last several years.  For more information on state performance measures and the Oregon Progress Board, visit the Oregon Progress Board website or call (503) 378-3201
In recent years, many changes have been made to OWEB's performance measures.  Many of the performance measures are new and require collaboration with other agencies and organizations.  Over the course of the 2007-2009 biennium, OWEB intends to focus on establishing targets for measures that need them and building the capacity to report on measures where several agencies are involved in the information collection and analysis.
OWEB Key Performance Measures by year:
New Performance Measures for 2005
New Performance Measures for 2006-07 APPR
Legislatively Adopted 2007-09 Key Performance Measures
OWEB Annual Performance Progress Reports:
2004 and 2005 Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year 2005-06
Fiscal Year 2006-07
Another set of reports for which OWEB provides data and information is the Annual Report to Congress produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, specifically the National Marine Fisheries Service.  This report provides detailed information about the annual expenditure of grant monies provided to the western state and tribes through what is known as the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.  Information about projects implemented and Endangered Species Act listed species can also be found in the reports.  OWEB is proud to represent Oregon by providing significant contribution of matching funds and accomplishments that are found in the reports.  The database that OWEB supplies data to on a bi-yearly basis can be found at: Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Performance Goals and Reporting Metrics.
Annual reports to Congress for federal fiscal years 2004 through 2007 are available through the links below.
2004 Report to Congress (extremely large file - 29MB PDF)
2005 Report to Congress (extremely large file - 39MB PDF)
2006 Report to Congress (extremely large file - 27MB PDF)
2007 Report to Congress (extremely large file - 28MB PDF)
For more information on OWEB’s Performance Measures, contact Greg Sieglitz, Monitoring Program Manager, (503) 986-0194.

Page updated: August 13, 2008

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