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Birth Control Pill

All Health A-Z Results: 1-3 of 3 Web Pages

Frequently Asked Questions on Contraception  External Link

This site provides the most frequently asked questions on the types of contraceptive methods available, to include the advantages and disadvantages and possible side effects to the information provide... Details >

Family Health International  External Link

Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk

Also available in: Spanish 

A fact sheet about research on the risk of developing cancer of the breast, cervix, liver and ovary from the use of oral contraceptives.... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

What You Should Know About The Pill

Also available in: Spanish 

The information offered in this brochure is intended to inform and educate consumers about "the pill" -- a prescription drug used as a contraceptive. The document answers questions about the drug's pu... Details >

Office of Population Affairs

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