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Demonstration Projects & Evaluation Reports

Medicare Demonstrations

  Details for MMA 646: Medicare Health Care Quality Demonstration Program

  Shown below are the details for the item you selected from the list.

Demonstration Project Name MMA 646: Medicare Health Care Quality Demonstration Program
Demonstration Type Solicitation Period Closed/Ongoing Demonstrations
Year 2005
Description Mandated by section 646 of the MMA, this 5-year demonstration will test major and multifaceted system redesigns to improve quality and increase efficiency.


Summary [PDF, 12 KB]
Fact Sheet [PDF, 28 KB]
Legislation [PDF, 50 KB]

Federal Register Notice [PDF, 199 KB]
Solicitation [PDF, 295 KB]
Medicare Waiver Demonstration Application [PDF, 62 KB]
Physician Group Practice (PGP) Model [PDF, 37 KB]

12/2/05 conference - Agenda [PDF, 29 KB]
12/2/05 conference - Registrants [PDF, 44 KB]
12/2/05 conference - Teleconference Registrants [PDF, 24 KB]
12/2/05 conference - Health Information Technology & Information Exchange Networks Panels (HITIENP): Marc Overhage, M.D., Ph.D.[PDF, 2013KB]
12/2/05 conference - (HITIENP): A. John Blair, III, MD [PDF, 5080 KB]
12/2/05 conference - (HITIENP): Liesa Jo Jenkins [PDF, 1011 KB]
12/2/05 conference - (HITIENP): Jan Walker [PDF, 109 KB]
12/2/05 conference - Clinical Decision Support / Shared Decision Making Panel: (CDSSDP) Jonathan Teich, M.D., Ph.D [PDF, 853 KB]
12/2/05 conference - (CDSSDP): Paul Tang, M.D [PDF, 879 KB]
12/2/05 conference - (CDSSDP): Peter Basch, M.D [PDF, 1,290 KB]
12/2/05 conference - Data Discussion: Marshall McBean, M.D., [PDF, 72 KB]
12/2/05 conference - Budget Neutrality and Payment: Linda Magno [PDF, 213 KB]

Request for Information [PDF, 236 KB]
Conference Proceedings [PDF, 46 KB]
Environmental Scan [PDF, 835 KB]
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Video - 12/2/05 Health Information Technology
Video - 12/2/05 Budget Neutrality & Payment: Linda Magno
Video - 12/2/05 Clinicial Decision Support: Paul Tang, M.D.
Video - 12/2/05 Data Discussion: Marshall McBean, M.D., M.Sc.
Video - 12/2/05 Questions and Answers and Closing Remarks

Last Modified Date : 09/13/2005
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