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Jackie Crews Excellence in Leadership Award

The Virginia Board for People with Disabilities created the Jackie Crews Excellence in Leadership Award in memory of Jackie Crews, a Partners in Policymaking graduate, who died in April 2004. The four stars on the Jackie Crews Award logo represent Independence, Productivity, Inclusion, and Self Determination—four values of leadership and qualities that she exemplified.

This annual award honors a self advocate who has demonstrated excellence in Virginia through his or her work on behalf of people with disabilities. The award includes a $1000 stipend.

Previous recipients include Rose Williams in 2007, Jack Brandt in 2006, and Ed Turner in 2005. Ms. Williams, the reigning Ms. Wheelchair Virginia, is an advocate for more accessible public facilities and greater civic involvement by people with disabilities. Mr. Brandt was a Governor’s Policy Fellow and policy analyst with the Office of Community Integration in 2006 and is currently a disability rights advocate with the Virginia Office of Protection & Advocacy. Mr. Turner serves as the Governor’s Special Advisor on Disability Issues in the Workforce.

Nominations for the 2008 award will be accepted between September 1 and October 17, 2008. Nomination forms and additional information about the award and previous recipients can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Additional information on the Jackie Crews Award, including how to join the Board in recognizing the recipient, can also be obtained by contacting:

Teri Barker-Morgan, Sponsored Programs Manager
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
Ninth Street Office Building
202 North Ninth Street, 9th Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 786-9381 - Voice
(800) 846-4464 - Toll-Free, Voice & TTY
(804) 786-1118 - Fax

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Outstanding Achievement Award

The Virginia Board for People with Disabilities' Outstanding Achievement Award recognizes an individual or organization that has provided exemplary service and support on behalf of people with developmental and other disabilities, the results of which have improved opportunities for Virginians with disabilities and expanded or improved the disability services and supports system.

Recipients of the award are important community role models and key ambassadors for the Virginia Board. Together, they call attention to new approaches and best practices and encourage all Virginians to support greater opportunities for self-determination, independence, productivity, and inclusion for people with disabilities in all facets of community life.

In 2006, the Board recognized TecAccess LLC and its founder Debra Ruh for expanding information technology accessibility and related training and employment of individuals with disabilities. Max and Garth Larcen received the 2005 award for their creation of Max's Positive Vibe Cafe which recruits, trains, and employs individuals with disabilities in restaurant services. There was no award recipient in 2007.

Nominations for the 2008 award will be accepted between September 1 and October 17, 2008. Nomination forms and additional information about the award and previous recipients can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Additional information on the Outstanding Achievement Award, including how to join the Board in recognizing the recipients, can also be obtained by contacting:

Tom Driscoll, Marketing Manager
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
Ninth Street Office Building
202 North Ninth Street, 9th Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 786-9380 - Voice & TTY
(800) 846-4464 - Toll-Free, Voice & TTY
(804) 786-1118 - Fax

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This File Was Last Modified: Thursday August 21 2008