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Capital Improvement Program


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ACOE Army Corp of Engineers.
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
Baseline Schedule This is the first schedule based on knowledge the project team gains from the Pre-Design Phase of the project – knowledge about project context and requirements as well as historical data from previous projects. The baseline schedule is typically developed after the completion of the CDR (or, in some cases the EIS). A detailed schedule will be created for the CDR effort, but the baseline schedule for the project will be created at the start of the Design Phase, after the preferred alternative in the CDR is approved.
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Bidder An individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or joint venture, submitting a bid for a construction project.
Bid Items Specific items of work, either materials, finished products, or bodies of work that a bidder bids a price on in their pursuit of a construction project; bid items are those items in a construction contract that will be paid for directly.
Bid Package The package of materials that is given out to prospective bidders for their use in bidding on a construction project; the package includes a copy of the Invitation to Bid; various notices, forms and contract provisions, Proposal, Special Provisions, wage rates, Plan Set, permits/approvals, addenda, and subsurface boring logs (if any).
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CAG Community Advisory Group.
CBD Central Business District.
CDR – Concept Development Report A documented evaluation of reasonable alternative solutions to a transportation problem with a recommended preferred alternative. A CDR reflects the project team’s consensus on the project’s scope, and the project team signs the final document. The CDR is considered complete once it is signed by the CRE.
Change Order A written account of changes in quantities or work during the Construction Phase. Change orders must be approved at the appropriate level of authority as defined in the Change Order Management policy.
CIP – Capital Improvement Program The 6-year transportation improvement program overall, analyzed by the King County Council.
Close out The managerial process of finalizing the project. During this process, all physical work is completed, project records are filed, required closure notifications are distributed, and necessary or requested audits are conducted.
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Community Involvement Plan A plan developed with support from DOT’s Community Relations and Communications staff and DOT’s Public Affairs staff that forms the basis of project-related external communications with the public.
Construction Phase A specific phase of the project during which project design is implemented.
Construction Contract A signed, written agreement between King County and the Contractor that describes, among other things, what work will be done and when; who provides labor and materials; and how the Contractor will be paid.
Contract Total The sum of the total estimated costs from the list of Contractor bid items.
Contractor The individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or joint venture, contracting with King County to do prescribed work as defined in the construction contract.
Coordination Meeting A meeting conducted just prior to one of the following milestones: 30% PS&E, 70% PS&E, 95% PS&E. The purpose of a coordination meeting is open discussion of issues and comments related to a project’s design, Plan Set, Specifications Package, and Engineer’s Estimate.
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CRE – County Road Engineer Individual responsible for establishing and maintaining engineering standards, practices and professionalism for the Road Services Division, and approving and stamping final plans and record drawings
Critical Area Any of those areas that are subject to natural hazards or those land features that support unique, fragile or valuable natural resources including fishes, wildlife and other organisms and their habitat and such resources that carry, hold or purify water in their natural state. Critical areas include: aquatic area, coal mine hazard area, critical aquifer recharge area, erosion hazard area, flood hazard area, landslide hazard area, seismic hazard area, steep slope hazard area, volcanic hazard area, wetlands, wildlife habitat conservation area, and wildlife habitat network.
CTR Commute Trip Reduction.
Design Phase A specific phase of the project when the concept is formulated into plans and specifications.
DEIS Draft EnvironmentalImpact Statement.
DNR Department of Natural Resources.
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DOE Washington State Department of Ecology.
ESA Endangered Species Act.
EEO/DB Equal Employment Opportunity/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.
EIS – Environmental Impact Statement An environmental review document prepared in accordance with SEPA and/or NEPA when the lead agency etermines a proposal is likely to result in significant adverse environmental impacts.
Engineer’s Estimate A detailed construction cost estimate including a list of contractor bid items, estimated quantities and estimated unit prices, the Contract Total, sales tax, contingency costs, cost of work to be done by King County crews, cost of work to be done by others, value of material furnished by King County, estimated cost of incentives, and reimbursables. Engineer’s Estimates are generally labeled as 70% Engineer’s Estimate, 95% Engineer’s Estimate, and 100% Engineer’s Estimate.
Environmental Review An analysis of the environment around the project, the impacts the environment could have on the project, and the impacts the project could have on the environment. The process involves identification and evaluation of probable environmental impacts and the development of mitigation measures that will reduce adverse environmental impacts. This review is done in compliance with SEPA and/or NEPA, as applicable to the specific project.
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Act.
FHWA Federal Highway Administration.
Final Inspection An inspection of the construction site facilitated by the Resident Engineer and including the Contractor, Project Manager, Inspector, regulators and funding agency.
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Fish Window A period of time designated by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife when construction work is allowed to occur, or otherwise create impact, below the ordinary high water mark of a regulated waterbody.
Gabion Wall A corrosion resistant wire container filled with stone used for structural purposes. They are fastened together and used for retaining walls, revetments, slope protection, channel linings and other structures.
HALS High Accident Locations.
HARSs High Accident Road Segments.
Inspector The Project Engineer’s representative who inspects construction contract performance in detail, including how the approved design is implemented in the field.
KCRS King County Road Standards.
Milestone A tangible point in time that tells how far along a project is in the process.
MPS Mitigation Payment System.
MVET Motor Vehicle Excise Tax.
Mitigation One or more of the following approaches to mitigate environmental impact(s) with an emphasis on attempting those measures in the sequence in which they are listed: (1) avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; (2) minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation; (3) rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the impacted environment; (4) reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the action; and (5) compensating for the impact by replacing or providing substitute resources or environments.
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NACo National Association of Counties.
NAFA National Association of Fleet Administrators.
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act.
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service (now Fisheries).
NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act. A federal regulation requiring federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision-making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions. Specific direction for implementing NEPA is contained in the “Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act” (40 CFR §§ 1500 -1508). For most transportation projects, the federal agency responsible for NEPA is either the Federal Highway Administration, which follows its own specific procedures contained in “Environmental Impact and Related Procedures” (23 CFR § 771), or the Corps of Engineers, which follows its own specific procedures contained in “Procedure for Implementing NEPA” (33 CFR § 230).
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Notice of Completion and Acceptance Acceptance A letter signed by the Division Director and issued to the Contractor when all Punchlist items are complete. A copy of this letter is required for funding close out and release requests from Washington State Department of Revenue, Washington State Labor and Industries, and Washington State Employment Security.
Notice to Proceed A letter signed by the Project Engineer and issued to the Contractor granting notice to that construction must begin within a designated period.
Permits/Approvals Required permissions from regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the work or location of the project.
Phase Series of related activities during a project’s lifecycle, usually culminating in the completion of a major deliverable.
Pre-construction Conference (Precon) A meeting held with the Contractor and King County staff with the purpose of introducing all parties involved in project construction, identifying critical project issues, and answering Contractor questions. The meeting occurs between contract execution and Notice to Proceed.
Project A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. It can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that have: (1) A specific objective to be completed within certain specifications, (2) Defined start and end dates, and (3) Funding limits and consumed resources. Generally, this is a construction project but could be any undertaking requiring a joint effort wherein a scope, schedule, budget, and desired outcome has been defined.
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Project Close Out Phase A specific phase of the project when construction tasks are completed, contractual and administrative requirements are completed and the project files are archived.
Project Manager The person responsible for leading the team; delivering the project within an approved scope, schedule and budget; conducting quality assurance of the project products; monitoring project progress; and overseeing the project from Pre-Design Phase through Project Close Out Phase.
PS&E Plans, Specifications and Estimates
Punchlist Punchlist A list of items generated following the Final Inspection consisting of work the Contractor must complete before the project is considered complete and the Notice of Completion and Acceptance is issued.
Ready-to-Ad A document that confirms funds are available for construction; it is signed by the Finance Manager of the Capital Improvement Program Unit and CRE and is required prior to advertisement of the project
Right-of-way Land, property or property interest acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes. Right-of-way acquisition for a project may include right-of-entry, temporary easements, permanent easements, partial takes, and or total takes.
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RSD Road Services Division.
SAC The Signatory Agency Committee for the NEPA/404 Merger Agreement—composed of WSDOT, FHWA, and federal and state resource regulatory agencies.
Schedule The planned dates for performing activities and the planned dates for meeting milestones.
SEIS Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
SR State Route.
SEPA – State Environmental Policy Act. Washington State’s basic environmental charter, which gives agencies the tools to allow them to both consider and mitigate for environmental impacts of proposals. Specific direction for implementing SEPA is contained in the SEPA Rules, Chapter 197-11 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC).
Specifications Package A packet of information made up of Standard Specifications and Special Provisions that forms the basis of the construction contract defining the work to be done, the material requirements, the construction requirements, the methods of measurement, and the methods of payment during construction. The Specifications Package is generally referred to as either 70% Spec Package, 95% Spec Package or 100% Spec Package.
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TIB Transportation Improvement Board
Title VI A federal law that prohibits discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal funds. Title VI has implications for each project phase including considerations for contracting, public outreach, right-of-way acquisition and other project elements
TIB – Transportation Improvement Board A Washington State agency whose primary purpose is administer state funding for local government transportation project.
TIP Transportation Improvement Program.
TNR Transportation Needs Report. The 2004 TNR identifies and plans for major capital investment needs for the roadways located in the unincorporated area of King County projected for the horizon year of 2022 (a 20-year window)
Utilities Generally referring to any outside service agency, including but not limited to: public and private utilities, public transportation agencies, postal services, emergency services, city agencies, and railroads.
UAC Unincorporated Area Council
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WLRD Water and Land Resource Division.
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
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Updated April 25, 2008

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