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Mental Health

All Health A-Z Results: 1-3 of 3 Web Pages

A Brief Introduction to Postpartum Illness   External Link

Perinatal (during pregnancy and postpartum) mood disorders are caused primarily by hormonal changes which then affect the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals). Life stressors, such as moving, illness, ... Details >

Postpartum Support International  External Link

Postpartum Resources for Mom’s and Families  External Link

This site offers a variety of information and resources for moms and families, including exercise and nutrition, useful medical links, sleep strategies for baby and more.... Details >

Postpartum Support International  External Link

Women's Mental Health

We all feel worried, anxious or sad from time to time. But, a true mental health disorder makes it hard for a woman to function normally.... Details >

National Women's Health Information Center, Office on Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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