Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



October 3, 2002

Italy:  Near-Normal Conditions in the Po River Valley

A Major Corn and Soybean Producing Area of the European Union

A recent crop tour, September 22-24, 2002,  by FAS personnel revealed that corn and soybean conditions in the Po River Valley of northern Italy are near normal.  Corn production is estimated at 10.5 million tons, which is slightly more than last year, mostly due to improvements in yield.  Italy is the second largest producer of corn in the European Union, after France.  Soybean production is estimated to be 0.7 million tons, a reduction of nearly 0.2 million from last year because of a decrease in area.  Italy is the largest producer of soybeans in the European Union, accounting for over two-thirds of all soybeans produced.  This was the first growing season that grain and oilseed support payments have been harmonized, removing the incentive to plant soybeans.

Productive Veneto Region

Veneto produces more corn and soybeans than any other region in Italy.  The map below gives a general indication of where crops are grown in southern Europe, according to a satellite-derived product created by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP).  Click on the Veneto region of the map to explore more details of the trip.

area The Po River Valley of Italy is a productive agricultural region.

For more information, contact Jim Tringe,,
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, at (202) 720-0882

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