Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



September 16, 2002

Russian Wheat Harvest Likely to Surpass Last Year

USDA estimates total Russian grain production for 2002/03 at 82.7 million tons (against 85.0 million last year), including 48.0 (46.9) million wheat and 17.5 (19.5) million barley.  Total grain yield is estimated at 1.72 tons per hectare, down slightly from last year's 1.79 tons per hectare but up considerably from the five-year average of 1.40 tons per hectare.  According to Ministry of Agriculture reports, harvest was 64 percent complete as of September 9, with 69.5 million tons of grain threshed from 30.1 million hectares.  Harvest is  nearing completion in the Central, Southern, and Volga districts in European Russia (except for later crops like maize) and roughly 10 percent complete in Siberia, where roughly half of the country's spring wheat is grown.  Yield potential in Siberia is high, but crop development was delayed by cool, wet weather.  As usual, final output in the spring wheat region will depend in large part on how much of the standing crop farmers will be able to gather before winter weather brings a halt to the harvest campaign.  (See graph of district-level production estimates.)

The high prospects for the 2002/03 crop are the result of several factors:

The biggest question mark regarding final 2002/02 grain production is harvest weather in Siberia.   

For more information, contact Mark Lindeman
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, at (202) 690-0143.

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