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 February 22, 2002

Argentina: Rains Needed in Soybean Areas

Dry conditions in Argentina’s main soybean-growing areas have negatively affected yield potential for the 2001/02 crop.  Rainfall during the week of February 10 to 16, 2002 has been scattered and amounts have totaled less than 10 mm in the key growing-areas of eastern Cordoba Province and southern Santa Fe Province.  Some of these areas have received only minimal amounts of rain for the past three weeks.  In the largest soybean-growing delegation, Marcos Juarez, Cordoba Province, rainfall has diminished since late January.  A similar pattern is found in Casilda, Santa Fe Province, whereas in Pergamino, northern Buenos Aires Province, the rainfall pattern has been more beneficial.  

Soil Moisture Conditions

The precipitation deficits have led to worsening soil moisture conditions.  By mid-February, soil moisture deficits are found in the important growing regions of eastern Cordoba Province, western and southern Santa Fe Province, and central Buenos Aires Province.  Additionally, the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture is reporting that some first-crop soybeans are in the critical podset to podfill stage.  However, second-crop soybeans are in late vegetative stage to flowering and some first-crop soybeans have a more advanced development.  In early February, soil moisture deficits were apparent in northern Cordoba Province and parts of western Santa Fe Province, but neither area is an important soybean-growing region.  According to the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, the crop stages for soybeans in these areas were not at a yield-sensitive stage in early February.  

Soybean Area

Argentina’s soybeans are mainly grown in northern Buenos Aires Province, southern Santa Fe Province and eastern Cordoba Province.  Planting is finished for the first-crop and second-crop soybeans.  First-crop soybeans are typically planted in November and December, and second-crop soybeans are planted in December and January after the wheat harvest.  Approximately 27 percent of this year’s area will be second-crop soybeans, a slight increase from last year.  

Soybean Production Estimates

USDA currently estimates Argentina’s 2001/02 soybean production at a record 28.75 million tons, up 5 percent from last year’s record output.  A record harvested area of 11.1 million hectares is forecast, with 2.59 tons per hectare as the forecast yield.


For more information, contact Robert Tetrault
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, Center for Remote Sensing Analysis at (202) 690-0130.

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