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February 15, 2001

Argentina: Cotton Area Declines to Lowest Level in 70 Years

Argentine cotton area is at the lowest level in almost 70 years.  USDA estimates Argentina’s 2001/02 harvested cotton  area at 163,000 hectares, lower than the 1933/34 crop season, when 195,000 hectares were planted. Cotton area for 2001/02 dropped 57 percent from last year, when 380,000 hectares were planted.  Cotton production is estimated at 280,000 bales, down 62 percent from last season.  Low world prices and higher costs of production relative to other crops have led to a decline in cotton area since the 1995/96 season.  Poor cotton returns over the last three years have dampened farmer enthusiasm for cotton.

Argentina Cotton Area

Argentina’s main cotton area is located in the north, with the major growing areas in Chaco Province.  Due to cotton’s high cost of production relative to soybeans, cotton area has shifted into soybeans.  This shift has been most pronounced this year as cotton area in Chaco decreased 69 percent while soybean area increased 46 percent.

Argentina Cotton Weather

This season’s cotton crop was planted in a timely manner and early season soil moisture was beneficial. December rainfall in Chaco Province was 50-75 percent of normal, causing some concern for the crop.  Dry weather continued in early January.   However, the area was inundated with over 8 inches of rain  during the last week of January.  Localized flooding and some crop damage are expected.

USDA estimates average yields of 375 kg/ha.  Drier weather during establishment often is beneficial, leading to higher-than-average yields. However, reports of inadequate pest control and the possibility of heavy rains near harvest may cause yield losses.

For more information, contact Robert Tetrault  
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division

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