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A Bumper Brazil Coffee Crop in 2002/03 Supports
a 6-Percent Increase in Total Forecast Supplies

Bar Chart comparing coffee production (in Million bags) among Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico and Other for 1990/91 to 2002/03.

World coffee production in 2002/03 is forecast at a record 122.1 million bags (60 kilograms or 132.276 pounds), up 10 percent from the previous year's level. Brazil's crop in 2002/03 is forecast at a record 46.9 million bags, up 39 percent, or 13.2 million bags from the previous year. Mainly as a result of the large Brazilian crop, total supply in 2002/03 is forecast to reach 143.6 million bags, up nearly 6 percent over the 2001/02 level. Total supplies of coffee have not reached this level since 1991/92 when they were 149.5 million bags. Brazil is expected to account for about 37 percent of total supplies in 2002/03, with Colombia's and Vietnam's share each forecast at 8 percent. In comparison, during 1991/92, Brazil's share of total supply was 34 percent; Colombia's, 16 percent; and Vietnam's share, only 1.5 percent.

Bar chart comparing coffee exports (in Million bags) for Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, Mexico and other for 1990/91 to 2002/03.


Total coffee exports in 2002/03 are forecast at 92.0 million bags, up nearly 4 percent over 2001/02. Brazil accounts for most of the increase. Brazil's exports in 2002/03 are forecast at 28.6 million bags, up 15 percent, or 3.7 million bags from the previous year.

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Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004