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Graph showing volume of U.S. exports of tropical products, 1992-2001

U.S. tropical product exports--essential oils, cocoa and cocoa products, coffee and coffee products, spices, tea (including herbal) and products, and ginseng--totaled a record $1.88 billion in calendar year (CY) 2001, an increase of 17 percent over CY 2000, and nearly double the 1992 level. All of these groups increased in value from last year, except for ginseng, which declined 39 percent. U.S. exports of essential oils reached $689.4 million, up 15 percent from 2000, and a new record. U.S. exports of cocoa and cocoa products reached a record $685.5 million, up 30 percent from the previous year. U.S. exports of coffee and coffee products continue to climb and reached a new record of $260.5 million. U.S. exports of spices were up again in 2001 and totaled $115.8 million, up slightly from the $113.1 million of 2000. Tea exports (including herbal) climbed to $101.6 million, up 37 percent over the previous year. The value of ginseng exports in 2001 dropped 39 percent to $25.2 million. Note: Essential oils and ginseng export statistics are also included in the export value total for horticultural products in the "World Horticultural Trade and U.S. Export Opportunities" circular.

The Horticultural and Tropical Products Division's Home Page may be found at the following internet address: www.fas.usda.gov/htp 


Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004