USDA logo USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cotton: World Markets and Trade

October 2002 Edition:

Southern Hemisphere Production and Exports Forecast Down in MY02/03

Bar chart showing Southern Hemisphere cotton production and exports since 1993/94

After a period of production growth in the early 1990’s, Southern Hemisphere production started to decline in MY01/02, falling nearly 30 percent from the previous year. Total southern hemisphere production in MY02/03 is expected to be down slightly from the previous year. However, significant increases and decreases are forecast for specific countries. 

Australia is the only Southern Hemisphere country where production is forecast to fall in MY02/03 by nearly 38 percent to 2.0 million 480-lb bales. This decrease is partially offset by significant increases in Paraguay, Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Brazil. Paraguay’s production in MY02/03 is forecast to increase 82 percent to 400,000 480-lb bales. Zimbabwe is forecast to increase 57 percent to 550,000 bales and Argentina will rise 42 percent to 425,000 bales. Brazil will experience an increase of 9 percent to 3.7 million bales.

Exports from the Southern Hemisphere are forecast to fall 22 percent in MY02/03, slightly more than production. Argentina is forecast to fall 65 percent to 75,000 480-lb bales. Brazil’s MY02/03 exports are forecast at 400,000 bales, down 41 percent from the previous year. Both of these estimates reflect reduced production for the 2001/02 crop. Australia’s exports are forecast to fall 13 percent to 2.7 million bales. Exports from Paraguay are forecast to increase 58 percent to 300,000 bales. Zimbabwe is forecast to increase 50 percent to 375,000 bales.

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Last modified: Tuesday, August 30, 2005