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Department of Human Services
Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Logo.

Oregon EMS Recognition

EMS Years of Service

EMS Years of Service

Current and past years recipients of State EMS Years of Service Pin, listed in years of service and alphabetical order, are as follows:

2001   |   2002   |   2003   |   2004|   2005





     20 YEARS

    15 YEARS

     10 YEARS

circle blu  Brett Gnau circle blu   Craig Stewart circle blu  Conrad Augustus
circle blu  Eric Swanson circle blu   Levi Eckhardt circle blu  Gerry Veley
circle blu James Ewen circle blu  Mark Hornshuh circle blu  Gregory Keyte
circle blu  Robert Berdan circle blu  Joe Wren
circle blu  Brian Coussens circle blu  Matthew Smith
circle blu  Robert Murphy















circle blu   None presented this year




     20 YEARS

    15 YEARS

     10 YEARS

circle blu   Amy Kreger circle blu   Bill Otley circle blu   Albert Kreitz
circle blu   Brian Vorderstrasse circle blu   Brenda Garner circle blu   Barbara Howard
circle blu   Carl Langston circle blu   Dean Dirks circle blu   Donald Schlies
circle blu   Charles Harris circle blu   John Bradner circle blu   Douglas Ketelson
circle blu   Dale Libby circle blu   John Carnahan circle blu   George Lydick
circle blu   Darrel Hall circle blu   Katherine Sherbarn circle blu   George Megown
circle blu   Denise Giard circle blu   Kevin Anderson circle blu   Glenn Pruett
circle blu   H. Marc Jackson circle blu   Malena Konek circle blu   Lance Barton
circle blu   Katie Wooderson circle blu   Mark Bambach circle blu   Laura Sword
circle blu   Kevin Kreitman circle blu   Mark Matthews circle blu   Marilyn Cannon
circle blu   Kirk Bohard circle blu   Marvin Tipler circle blu   Shane Wooten
circle blu   Larry Allen circle blu   Melissa Pfleiger circle blu   Shawn Barnes
circle blu   Loel Trulove circle blu   Michelle Miller circle blu   Theresa Mutschler
circle blu   Patrick Traeger circle blu   Mike Smit circle blu   Willard Bauscher
circle blu   Philip Mcpherson circle blu   Myla Corley circle blu  
circle blu   Randall Absolon circle blu   Ryan Bond circle blu  
circle blu   Ree Ella vonBorstel circle blu   Stanley Torgison circle blu  
circle blu   Richard La Belle circle blu   Tammy Jordan circle blu  
circle blu   Rita Wilson circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   Robert Omstead circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   Robert Omstead circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   Shirley Fritts circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   Stewart Parker circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   Thomas Phelps circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   William O'Brien circle blu   circle blu  



































     20 YEARS

     15 YEARS

     10 YEARS

circle blu   Bruce Wolmak circle blu   Brenda Garner circle blu   Lance Barton
circle blu   Gary McLean circle blu   Connie Stein circle blu   Shawn Barnes
circle blu   Jim Payne circle blu   circle blu   Will Bauscher
circle blu   John Praggastis circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   Sharon Payne circle blu   circle blu  
circle blu   Shirley Matteson circle blu   circle blu  











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     20 YEARS

     15 YEARS

      10 YEARS

circle blu   John Peterson circle blu  Elaine Snedeker  circle blu  None presented this year
circle blu   Karen Hovda circle blu     circle blu  
circle blu   Ken McGinness circle blu   circle blu  







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circle blu   None presented this year


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Page updated: September 22, 2007

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