Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



October 1, 2003

EU-15: Cotton Production Summary

EU Cotton Production Is 2 Percent of Global Output

USDA's September 10 estimate of 2003/04 EU-15 cotton production  was 2.1 million 480-lb. bales, a decrease of 40,000 bales or 2 percent from August, and 3 percent below last year's crop. Harvested area is estimated at 451,000 hectares, unchanged from August, and nearly unchanged from last year's level. The lint yield for this year's crop is estimated to be 1,010 kilograms per hectare, slightly lower than last year, and below the 5-year average of 1,050 kilograms.  World production this year is forecast to be 93.4 million bales.

Cotton planting conditions were generally favorable in southern Europe this spring, but in Spain the summer months have been unusually hot and dry.  However, virtually all of the cotton in western Europe is irrigated, and water supplies in Spain have been adequate.  Insect pressure in Spain has been heavy this year because overnight temperatures have been above average.  The cotton harvest in Spain and Greece will conclude in November.  Click on the following link to see maps and satellite imagery of cotton in Greece and Spain.

Greece has roughly four times as much cotton area as Spain; however, the average yield is slightly lower.

Greece and Spain produce over 99 percent of the cotton grown in the European Union, with the remaining fraction grown in Italy and Portugal.  Cotton production has been allocated to these countries by the EU Commission, in regulations 1050 and 1051 (May 21, 2001), available through the EUR-LEX website.  Farmers have exceeded their production quota in recent years, and subsequently received lower price subsidies.

Farmers have exceeded their production quota in recent years, and subsequently received lower price subsidies.

Other USDA Resources on the Internet

Web Updates

EU-15:  Oilseed and Rice Forecast by Country, 7/14/03

Global Agriculture Information Network (GAIN) Reports

Attaché Reports Home

Italy, Cotton and Products Annual, 2003, IT3016, 6/23/03
Greece, Cotton and Products Annual, 2003, GR3011, 6/4/03
Spain, Cotton and Products Annual 2003, SP3014, 5/30/03

Interactive Tools

For crop conditions in the European Union and throughout the world, visit Crop Explorer

For current and historical official USDA data on production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the European Union and much of the world, visit PS&D Online

For more information, contact Jim Tringe
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, at (202)720-0882

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