Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



May 2, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global crop weather summary table for May 2, 2003.

Global Crop Watch Summary, May 2, 2003.  Heavy rain in northern Argentina at harvest, cold weather in Russia delays spring growth, dry spell ending in western Europe, timely rain in Australia for winter crop planting, seasonable rainfall in U.S. and China for summer crop planting.

Russia - Cold Weather in late Spring.  Extreme Minimum Temperature Map for April 20 - 26, 2003.

Russia - Cold Weather in Late Spring.  Extreme Minimum Temperature Map for April 20 - 26, 2003.  Cold weather dipped far south in late-April.  Temperatures are lower than normal, delaying winter wheat emergence in northern Russia and crop development in the south.

Canada - Spring Snowstorm in Canadian Prairies:  Cumulative Precipitation Map for April 20 - 26, 2003.

Canada - Spring Snowstorm in Canadian Prairies:  Cumulative Precipitation Map for April 20 - 26, 2003.   Heavy snow (10 - 15 inches) provided welcome moisture for winter crops in Alberta and Saskatchewan.  (Drought in 2002 lowered winter crop yields significantly.)  Drier weather in the eastern Prairies was favorable for spring-sown crops. 

Argentina and Brazil Harvest Weather - Cumulative Precipitation Map for April 20 - 26, 2003.

Argentina and Brazil Harvest Weather - Cumulative Precipitation Map for April 20 - 26, 2003.   Unseasonably heavy rain in parts of Argentina (Entre Rios and Parana) caused locally severe flooding and possible crop losses.  Harvest was well underway, so impact will be limited.  Mostly dry and warm weather favored harvesting in Brazil.

United States 7-Day Cumulative Precipitation Map for the period ending April 29, 2003. 

United States 7-Day Cumulative Precipitation Map for the period ending April 29, 2003.  Severe storms and heavy rain in the Delta and Mississippi valley.  Persistent showers boosted moisture levels in the Northwest but caused some planting delays (cotton) in California.  Favorable rain in the western & southern Corn Belt, but northern Plains remained dry.  Cool and wet weather in the east should continue.

United States - Long Term Palmer Drought Index Map for April 26, 2003.

United States - Long Term Palmer Drought Index Map for April 26, 2003.  No significant areas of drought.  Minor problems in northern Plains (Montana, North Dakota) and northern Corn Belt (Chicago region).  Abundant moisture along the East Coast.  Areas to watch are west Texas, Southwest, Utah/Idaho.

U.S. Corn Belt - Percent Soil Moisture Map for April 30, 2003.

U.S. Corn Belt - Percent Soil Moisture Map for April 30, 2003.  Soil moisture model shows abundant moisture for summer crop planting and emergence in the southern Corn Belt, and adequate moisture elsewhere.  Some northern areas report poor topsoil moisture, but recent rainfall should bring partial relief. 






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