Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



March 14, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

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Global Crop Watch Summary, March 14, 2003.  Rainfall continued to benefit summer crops in Brazil and Argentina.  Soybeans in both countries are in excellent condition. Dry weather continued across South Africa's Maize Triangle and crop conditions were lowered to Fair-to-Poor.  Rain benefited the southern portion of China's winter wheat crop and conditions were raised to "good".  Warm weather returned to the U.S. Southern Plains promoting  winter wheat growth and development. 

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Forecast Argentina Soybean Crop Ties Record Yield Rate.  Excellent growing conditions across Argentina's soybean growing areas.  On March 11, 2003, USDA announced that Argentina Soybean yields are expected this year to tie the 1997/98 yield level of 2.80 metric tons/hectare.


Argentina Crop Travel Photos.  During February 2003 crop travel by PECAD, soybeans in Argentina were observed in "excellent" condition with "record tying" yield potential. As observed here, on February 27, 2003 in Cordoba Province, first crop soybean stage ranged from "pod-set" to "dry-down".


Argentina Crop Travel Photos.  Also on February 27, 2003, as shown in this photo from Cordoba Province, second crop soybean stages ranged from "pod-set" to "pod-fill". Early March weather will be critical for this crop, which so far has been close to "ideal".


Ukraine and Southern Russia - NOAA 16 Satellite Image - March 1-10, 2003.  In early March 2003, widespread snow cover remained in much of Ukraine and southern Russia.  This compares with the next scene from March 2002. 

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Ukraine and Southern Russia - NOAA 16 Satellite Image - March 1-15, 2002.  Unusually warm weather in February 2002 contributed to an early spring.  By early March, snow cover had receded from Ukraine and Russia's Southern District.

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Temperature Graphs for Weather Stations across Ukraine and Southern Russia.   Average temperatures for February and early March have been well below the last two years and continue the trend for this winter weather being much colder than normal. 


U.S. Southern Plains - Minimum Temperatures Maps.  Some of the coldest weather of the winter dropped as far south as the Texas Panhandle on February 25 and 26, 2003.  While much of the coldest areas had protective snow cover, wheat was vulnerable to freeze damage winter kill in portions of Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska.

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Southern Plains Snow Cover Map.  This map shows snow-cover and depth on February 26, 2003.  The areas with no and limited snow cover probably experienced some freeze damage winter kill. Definitely above ground growth was burned back. 

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Southern Plains Vegetative Index Map.   These maps compare vegetation across the Southern Plains from March 10, 2002 to March 10, 2003.  Winter grains are in better condition than last year across the Texas Panhandle, central Oklahoma, and south central Kansas. 


U.S. Southern Plains - Satellite Images from March 2003.  The March 11, 2003,  NOAA-16 scene shows very good crop conditions for winter grains and forage across the Texas Panhandle.  Two Landsat scenes compare vegetation vigor and conditions across Castro County, Texas comparing March 1, 2003, with March 14, 2002.  Current crop conditions are better than last year as evidenced by the increased amount of red.




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