Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



March 7, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global Crop Watch Summary - March 7, 2003

Global Crop Watch Summary, March 7, 2003.  Seasonable rainfall in Brazil and Argentina.  Timely showers in parts of South Africa and Australia, mild weather in China, continued cold in the Ukraine and most of the U.S.

Australia Seasonal Rainfall Chart - Drought Affects Crops

Drought  Affects Crops in Australia.  Recent rain brought some drought relief to sorghum and other summer crops in eastern Australia, but long-term drought continues.

Southern Africa Percent Normal Rainfall Map for February 2003

Southern Africa Rainfall in February 2003.  Percent normal rainfall map shows mostly dry conditions in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, also northern and eastern South Africa.   Near-normal rainfall favored summer crops in western South Africa and Botswana.

Satellite image - Cyclone Japhet Hits Mozambique on March 3 - 4, 2003

Cyclone Hits Mozambique.  Cyclone "Japhet" brought heavy rain and strong winds to Mozambique and eastern Zimbabwe, causing local flooding but providing limited drought relief.  For more information, go to the FEWS website.

China Maximum Temperature Map - February 23 to March 1, 2003

Springtime in China.  Warm weather in February and early March brought winter crops out of dormancy in central China and the southern North China Plain.  Spring planting has started in southern China, will start soon in the Northeast.

US Minimum Temperature Map (February 23 to March 1) and Snow Cover Map (February 26)

United States Hit by Very Cold Weather.  Record lows were reported in many parts of the country.  Snow offered some protection to dormant wheat on the central plains and corn belt, but it was vulnerable to damage in the far north and the southern plains. 

US 7-day Cumulative Rainfall Map through March 5, 2005.

United States 7-Day Cumulative Rainfall through March 5, 2003.  Rain in the southwest improved moisture levels, but drought continues.  Storms brought heavy rain to the southeast and Mid-Atlantic, snow to New England.  Light rain/snow boosted moisture in the Midwest and Plains, but more is needed.

US Southern Plains soil moisture map - February 2002 vs February 2003

United States - Soil Moisture Conditions on the Southern Plains.  Abundant rainfall in recent months boosted soil moisture in the southern Plains.  Conditions are very wet in the eastern part of the region.  Soil moisture is much better than last year (2002), when a drought affected the region.  



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