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December 15, 2000


Wheat Production Map | Precipitation | Temperature

India Wheat: Planting Conditions Unfavorable for the 2001/02 crop.
The Indian 2001/02 wheat crop sowing began in November 2000 and will be harvested in April 2001. Conditions in late 2000 for wheat production are stacking up to be less than favorable. Early withdrawal of the monsoon from northwest and central India, combined with below normal winter rains have depleted soil moisture in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. These states together account for roughly 20 percent of the country’s wheat production (mostly non-irrigated). Initial reports point to a significant decline in planted area in these states. In the largely irrigated states of Punjab, Haryana and West Uttar Pradesh, however, planting is unlikely to be affected.

Reduced Inputs:
Escalating energy costs have resulted in higher world prices for fertilizers. For many farmers in India this will lead to reduced inputs with potential yield reductions.

Rebound prospects:
Conditions necessary to boost this season's wheat yields are immediate and substantial winter rains in dryland regions and early season cool temperatures throughout the wheat growing areas.

wheat production map
Wheat Production Map | Precipitation | Temperature
India Wheat Production Map: Percent Contribution to total Indian production


precip graph
Wheat Production Map | Precipitation | Temperature
Precipitation Data for Major Wheat Area


temp graph
Wheat Production Map | Precipitation | Temperature
Temperature Data for Major Wheat Area

Report compiled from information from Agricultural Attaché Office in New Delhi and Production Estimates Division in Washington, DC.

For more information, contact Jim Crutchfield with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0135 or by e-mail at crutchfieldj@fas.usda.gov.

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