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August 25, 2000

Typhoon Bilis Hits Taiwan and Southeastern China

Typhoon Bilis, the most powerful storm to hit Asia this year, pounded southern Taiwan early Wednesday (local time) with very strong winds and torrential rain. The storm caused flash flooding and mudslides, and had a serious impact crops including second-crop rice, sugarcane, fruit and vegetables. Some livestock and poultry losses also occurred. Government officials said crops on more than 11,600 hectares of farmland were destroyed, and losses to agriculture, fishery and forestry industries were estimated at $90 million.

After crossing Taiwan, Bilis weakened slightly before making a second landfall on the southeast coast of China near the city of Xiamen on Thursday (local time). Winds of 45 to 60 mph and very heavy rain destroyed homes and property, downed trees, and caused flash flooding, particularly in coastal areas.

The storm quickly began to dissipate as it moved northwest across Jiangxi province, although rain is expected to continue for the next 24 to 36 hours in southern and eastern China. Total rainfall may reach 300 mm along the coast, with lesser amounts (100 - 250 mm) in inland areas.

Late-crop rice and sugarcane crops in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces bore the brunt of the storm, but local flooding may have impacted single and late-crop rice, soybeans, cotton, and cash crops in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, and Anhui provinces as well. Production losses in China are not expected to be significant due to the moderate size and strength of the storm.


Path of Typhoon Bilis in China -


Source: Joint Typhoon Warning Center


For more information, contact Paulette Sandene with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division at (202) 690-0133 or by e-mail at sandene@fas.usda.gov


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