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World Coffee Supplies in 2000/2001 Remain Near Last Year's Level


World production of coffee in 2000/2001 is forecast at a record 108.7 million bags (60 kilograms or 132.276 pounds), nearly 2 percent above last year's level and slightly above--570,000 bags--the previous record coffee crop in 1998/99. Brazil's coffee production for 2000/2001 is forecast at 28.1 million bags, up 4 percent from last year's level, but down over 20 percent from the 1998/99 production level of 35.6 million bags.

Total coffee exports from Brazil in 2000/2001 are forecast to decline by nearly 8 percent from 1999/2000, mainly as a result of lower supplies. Brazil's exports of coffee in 2000/2001 are forecast at 16.9 million bags, 15.0 million bags of green coffee and 1.9 million bags of soluble coffee. However, mainly as a result of higher exports from other key producing countries, total world exports of coffee in 2000/2001 are forecast down only slightly to 83.5 million bags, compared with 83.8 million bags estimated for 1999/2000. Some key upward changes in year-to-year exports include: Colombia, up 600,00 bags; India, up 400,000 bags; Uganda, up 330,000 bags; Madagascar, up 228,000 bags; Guatemala, up 110,000 bags; Mexico, up 100,000 bags; Zaire, up 100,000 bags; and Papua-New Guinea, up 100,000 bags.

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Last modified: Wednesday, February 20, 2002