United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
Circular Series
FHORT 04-00
April 2000
World Horticultural
Trade and U.S. Export
Exports have become vital for the success of the U.S. pear industry. Today, the percentage of U.S. pear production going into export has increased dramatically and a larger share of the income of pear farmers originates from export sales. Almost 20 percent of the U.S. pear crop is now going to export, compared to 5 percent twelve years ago. Canada and Mexico together account for over half of U.S. pear shipments. The European Union, Brazil, Taiwan, and Venezuela are also important markets. Many factors are behind this development, including the completion of trade agreements, stagnant fresh and processed domestic demand, and increased export promotion efforts. Moreover, expanding export markets boosted U.S. pear sales and provided another income outlet to U.S. pear farmers. U.S. pear exports in 1999/2000 are forecast at 150,000 tons, up 8 percent from 1998/99 shipments. Increased production in Washington and California, major U.S. pear exporting states, has improved overall export supplies from the United States this season.
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Last modified: Wednesday, February 07, 2001