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January 2000 Edition

Global Rice Trade in 2000 Wanes
For the 2nd Consecutive Year

Global rice trade is forecast to drop for the second consecutive year in 2000 as plentiful supplies in key Asian importing countries (e.g. Indonesia, Bangladesh and the Philippines) are expected to reduce imports by 1.6 million tons. Production and carryin stocks are estimated to rise by nearly 4 percent in these three countries, which accounted for more than a quarter of global trade in 1999.

Even with large exportable supplies and falling world rice prices, no growth in import demand is expected. In fact, Indonesia, the world's largest rice importing country, has imposed a nearly 30 percent import tariff, effective on January 1, 2000, to buffer its domestic market from low world prices. Nonetheless, world rice trade would still reach the third highest level on record.


All Grain Summary Tables: Foreign Countries and US Data

Foreign Countries' Policies and Programs

Situation and Outlook: Commentary and Current Data

Historical Data Tables: Selected Regions and Countries

General Footnotes for Grain Tables

Grain and Feed Contact List

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Last modified: Thursday, November 13, 2003