USDA logo USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cotton: World Markets and Trade

U.S. Upland Cotton Exports Increase 61 Percent from MY 1998/1999

United State's upland cotton accumulated exports for MY 1999/2000 were 6.37 million bales, up 61 percent from last year's exports of 3.96 million. Increased exports to eight of the top ten export destinations accounted for 92 percent of the total increase. Mexico remains the top export destination for MY 1999/2000 with accumulated exports of 1.7 million bales, up 21 percent from the MY 1998/1999 level of 1.4 million. Exports to Turkey increased 6-fold from last year, from 146,000 bales to 835,000 bales at the end of MY 1999/2000. This increase in exports has made Turkey the number two export market for U.S. upland cotton in MY 1999/2000, up from 8th place in MY 1998/1999. Exports to Brazil increased dramatically from 5,300 bales in MY 1998/1999 to 320,000 bales in MY 1999/2000. Exports to South Korea and Canada have fallen slightly from last year's levels. Exports to these ten countries accounted for 85 percent of total U.S. upland cotton exports.

Download the entire circular.



Front Cover

U.S. Cotton Outlook

World Cotton Outlook

Cotton Prices

U.S. Cotton Highlights

A Sharp Decline in Cotton Production for Mali and uncertainty in Cote d’Ivoire.


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Last modified: Tuesday, August 30, 2005