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July 13, 2000


Wheat production in Argentina for 2000/01 is forecast at 15.5 million tons, up 0.5 million tons or 3 percent from last month and last year’s production. Area is also forecast to increase from last year to 6.1 million hectares, up 0.3 million or 5 percent. This is the second highest area in 10 years below the 7.1 million hectares harvested in 1996/97. The record area is 7.3 million harvested during the 1982/83 season. Yield is estimated at 2.54 MT/ha, equivalent to last year.

The official government forecast places planting intentions at 6.26 million hectares, 3 percent above last year’s planted area. The larger area is expected due to higher profitability from favorable local wheat prices and reduced world supply, and an increase in combined wheat and second-crop soybean production. Some expansion into former sunflowerseed areas is also being forecast.

The beginning of the season has been wetter than normal with the exception of portions of Buenos Aires. Surface soil moisture for germination and establishment continues to be adequate throughout the wheat region. In contrast to last season which started out dry, parts of northern and eastern Buenos Aires received excess moisture and hampered planting early in the season. However, subsequent drier weather did improve the pace of planting. A July 7 government report indicated 57.5 percent of the area had been planted, lagging behind last season’s 67 percent and behind the average of 61 percent planted by this time. Planting is generally completed in August. The crop is harvested from November to January.


For more information, contact Maria Anulacion with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0139 or by e-mail at anulacionm@fas.usda.gov


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