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October 10, 1997


Prairie grain and oilseed harvests are virtually complete, aided by a late killing freeze and extended periods of dry, warm weather. In Ontario and Quebec, however, a recent frost raised concern for immature corn, which has been plagued all season by sluggish growth rates.

2--United States

Recent warm, dry weather in the Corn Belt pushed crops to maturity and allowed fieldwork to rapidly proceed. Near-record warmth in the Great Plains promoted winter wheat planting and emergence but reduced topsoil moisture. Unseasonably hot weather helped dry cotton fields in the Southwest after Tropical Storm Nora. Heavy rain in western Oregon and Washington slowed fieldwork.

3--South America

In Argentina, recent light to moderate rain improved growing conditions for winter wheat, previously stressed by a lack of rain in September. In southern Brazil, periodic heavy rain since September 25 halted winter wheat harvesting and early corn planting but spurred flowering in coffee areas.


Mild weather and below-normal precipitation in September favored corn, sunflower, and soybean maturation and harvesting. Weather conditions in September also favored winter wheat planting, typically underway in eastern Europe. Since early October, rain benefitted winter wheat development in the east and boosted topsoil moisture for early planting in the west.


Cool, showery weather in Russia and Ukraine slowed summer crop harvesting but provided topsoil moisture for winter grain emergence and establishment.

6--FSU-New Lands

Unseasonably warm, dry weather in September in Russia and Kazakstan favored rapid spring grain harvesting.

7--Eastern Asia

In early September, much-needed rain in the North China Plain benefitted immature summer crops and boosted moisture for winter wheat planting. Seasonal fieldwork is currently underway. Farther south, frequent showers have maintained moisture reserves for late double-crop rice but accompanying coolness has slowed growth. A drying trend over Manchuria has been generally favorable for summer crop maturation and harvesting. In Japan and the Koreas, wet weather the later half of September slowed rice maturation and possible caused localized flooding.

8--South Asia

The monsoon began its seasonal withdrawal in September about on schedule. However, late-season rains benefitted immature oilseeds, grains, and cotton in central and southern India. Unfortunately, untimely rain may have negatively affected maturing cotton across the north. Continuing seasonal rains in the eastern rice areas are increasing irrigation reserves.

9--Southeast Asia

Drought continues over Indonesia, with the lack of rainfall exacerbating the region's problem with smoke and smog. Showers had been sporadic over Malaysia, but heavy rain in early October brought some relief. Frequent bouts of heavy rain and localized flooding in Indochina have hampered rice harvests but increased moisture reserves for dry-season cropping.


Scattered showers continued until mid-September over the western and southeastern winter grain belts, favoring vegetative development. Over the past few weeks, drier weather has developed over South Australia and Victoria as crops advanced toward reproduction. Farther north, recent beneficial rain in the sorghum and cotton region has improved planting prospects.


More details are available in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin. Subscription information may be obtained by calling (202) 720-7917. USDA/Joint Agricultural Weather Facility.

Last modified: Thursday, December 11, 2003