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November 17, 1999


Dryness prevailed in southern Ukraine and Moldova during the first half of November, resulting in continued unfavorable conditions for winter-crop germination and establishment as of November 15. Meanwhile, winter grains in Russia's prime winter-wheat region are enjoying relatively good conditions following mid-October rainfall that replenished soil moisture reserves and reversed early October dryness.

Winter grains typically advance through the "hardening" phase, in preparation for dormancy, as temperatures drop during November. Winter crops in southern Ukraine will need rain and unseasonably mild weather in order to become adequately established prior to the onset of dormancy.

According to official sown-area data, 7.6 million hectares of winter grains have been sown in Ukraine, against a target of 8.0 million. In Russia, a reported 14.4 million hectares have been sown, against a target of 15.1 million. Winter-grains typically comprise one-third of total Russian grain production and one-half of total wheat production. In Ukraine, winter wheat comprises virtually all of the total wheat production and over 50 percent of total grain output.


For more information, contact Mark Lindeman with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 720-0888.

Last modified: Monday, July 19, 2004