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October 21, 1999

Dryness in Brazil Beneficial for Wheat Harvest, But May Result in Late Soybean Planting

Sparse rainfall over the past four weeks in central Brazil has provided good conditions for the wheat harvest (normally occurring in September-November). However, the hot, dry weather has hampered soybean planting. The planting window for this crucial soybean area extends into December, so the dryness to date will likely have more of an impact on harvest timing, rather than total production.

Cotton and corn plantings are delayed by the dryness as well, but the planting window for these crops also extends into early December. Given the lack of moisture at this early stage of planting, corn, cotton, and soybeans will be more dependent on timely rainfall during the growing season to achieve full development and normal yields.

View the September EVI index which suggests that September 1999 has been much drier than either 1998 or 1997, or the EVI difference image showing how 1999 compares to the two prior years.

For more information, contact the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 720-0888.

Last modified: Monday, July 19, 2004