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October 1999

Vietnam Cold Chain Association Formed - USDA Cold Chain Efforts Supported

On September 20, 1999, FAS staff from the Trade and Investment Program of the International Cooperation and Development program area and from the Ho Chi Minh Office of Agricultural Affairs participated in the inaugural meeting of the Vietnam Cold Chain Association (VCCA) in Ho Chi Minh City. Hosted by the International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses and the World Food Logistics Organization, this marks the formation of the first trade association in Vietnam specifically geared toward improving cold chain/refrigeration systems in Vietnam - a country facing significant transportation, distribution, and handling bottlenecks related to the marketing of perishable food. Members of the Vietnam Cold Chain Association, which represent some of the largest firms operating in Vietnam, have offered USDA active support in laying the groundwork for future cold chain improvement efforts via the USDA Emerging Markets Cold Chain project. This will involve an in-country market assessment, technical seminars, and other cold chain consciousness-raising activities. Vietnam is a small but rapidly growing market for U.S. exports, having seen a tripling of the value of U.S. consumer-oriented food exports from 1994 to 1997 ($42 million). For further information, contact Steve Beasley, Food Industries Division, on (202) 720-1347.

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USDA Cold Chain Project Expanded

On March 26, 1999, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), Administrator Tim Galvin approved additional funds to expand the 1998 Emerging Markets-funded USDA Cold Chain project. In addition to the four original pilot markets (Thailand, the Philippines, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic), eight new countries are now eligible for activities, including China, Malaysia, Vietnam, South Africa, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. The principal goal of the 12-country project is to improve the prospects for additional sales of U.S. perishable food products and associated U.S. refrigeration-related support technologies and services. Immediate objectives of the project are to:

1) identify weaknesses in the distribution, storage, and handling of imported U.S. perishable food;
2) make recommendations for follow-up technical assistance to rectify problems, as needed; and
3) deliver expert assistance in the form of technical seminars, association building efforts, and reverse missions to the United States.

FAS overseas Posts and Export Credits program area, the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration, and several prominent U.S. private sector interests are playing important support roles with USDA on this project. Activities will be coordinated by the Trade and Investment Group, Food Industries Division, International Cooperation and Development, FAS/USDA. For further information contact Steve Beasley on (202) 720-1347 or Ellen McCloskey (202) 690-2981.

Last modified: Tuesday, February 22, 2005